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Loyalty points calculation wrong on PS1.4.1

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The loyalty points calculation is wrong on PS1.4.1.
The problem is not on PS1.3

Let say I choose this setting :

Ratio: $100 = 1 reward point.
1 point = $5 for the discount.

If I buy 2 products at $150 each the products total is $300
so the customer should get 300/100=3 points
In PS 1.3.0 the customer get 3 points
In PS 1.4.1 the customer get only 2 points

I guess PS1.4.1 calculate point on each products separately ($150 = 1 point + $150 = 1 point).
This is not correct. The loyalty points calculation must be on the products total !

Bug report: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-1860

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