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Product Features in the home featured module?

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Not clear what you muight be asking

But if its displaying products in the featured produycts on homepage in backoffice, catalogue, products make sure the products are also ticked for the category home

Also in backoffice..modules>>featured products on homepage. When you click configure you can specify how many items to show

however if you what the actual products features you have set-up here displayed, you need to modify the php and tpl files on modules/homefeatured

if you have no idea how to do that or no php or SMarty skills, might wish to ask Prestashop to do custom mod for you -They can give you a quote

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however if you what the actual products features you have set-up here displayed, you need to modify the php and tpl files on modules/homefeatured

that's exactly what i mean. and, of course, i'm not so skilled in php and tpl to do it on my own.
actually, modification of product list i was able to hack according to the "receipt" on this thread...

thanks again...
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