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Black display at mobile version of Prestashop Back Office

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Hi community 👋! I didn't notice when it happened because I usually have enough of the desktop version, but recently when I went to the mobile version of the back office, when I clicked on the menu, the entire screen turned foggy black without the ability to click any menu item. When you press any menu item in this mode, this menu collapses and everything returns to normal, that is, this screen appears only when the menu is expanded. I tested on an iPad and tried emulating on a PC with the developer console open on different devices and I see the same problem. I see some errors in the console (see screenshot), could this be the cause? And how to fix it?


Знімок екрана 2024-10-10 о 22.44.09.png

Знімок екрана 2024-10-10 о 22.31.24.png

Знімок екрана 2024-10-10 о 22.30.57.png

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Le 10/10/2024 à 11:56 PM, RobertBrenton a dit :

When you press any menu item in this mode, this menu collapses and everything returns to normal, that is, this screen appears only when the menu is expanded. I tested on an iPad and tried emulating on a PC with the developer console open on different devices and I see the same problem. I see some errors in the console (see screenshot), could this be the cause? And how to fix it?

Please can you specify PS, PHP and theme versions

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Il y a 13 heures, jhd a dit :

Hello, I have solved it disabling Prestashop Basic Edition in Mobile Version. Now workds.

Yes it seems that javascript from https://unpkg.com/@prestashopcorp/smb-edition-homepage/dist/assets/ produces js errors (see in browser log console). This also affects design of on/off buttons in facetedsearch module 😞 

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