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Bloquer la livraison vers les DOM-TOM france

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Bonjour, je cherche à savoir si il est possible de bloquer la livraison vers les DOM-TOM en france ? Et si oui, comment y parvenir ? 

La législation et les taxes à appliquer font qu'il serait préférable d'adopter ce choix pour ma boutique. 

Merci de votre aide !

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Je vous prie de m'excuser par avance car je ne parle pas français.

Si vous ajoutez le champ Etat dans le pays France, vous pouvez désactiver ses Etats. Tout cela se fait dans la section International > Lieux géographiques. Editez le pays France et ajoutez le champ Etat dans le format d'adresse. Cela devrait activer tous les états de la France dans la section Provinces. Enfin, trouvez ceux dont vous ne voulez pas et désactivez-les.

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Hi, I thank you for your answer ! Very clear. Do I need to create manually the state of the specific country I want to manage ? I see that some of the countries have already states that are created by default in Prestashop, I don't know if there is a setting that create the state of the country automatically. 

Do I need to add some modifications then to exclude some of the states ? 


Thanks a lot ! 



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Hi, I have tested it now, and it seems that France doesn’t have any states created. I’m not sure if you can import them from somewhere or if they can even be imported.
The most straightforward solution is to create them one by one.
If you don’t want to sell to those territories, simply don’t create them. Then, if you decide to sell in any specific area, you can create the states as needed.
Best regards!

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  On 10/10/2024 at 12:39 PM, Guille26121 said:

Hi, I have tested it now, and it seems that France doesn’t have any states created. I’m not sure if you can import them from somewhere or if they can even be imported.
The most straightforward solution is to create them one by one.
If you don’t want to sell to those territories, simply don’t create them. Then, if you decide to sell in any specific area, you can create the states as needed.
Best regards!


And you can activate and deactivate any part that you want to sell or not. 
At the end it results in some countries or regions appearing or not in the checkout page selector. 

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Ok, I see. Thank you. The problem in my case is with the billing adress and the delivery adress (this is the same form actually). This setting do not allow the customer to order to the specific place indeed. In fact, I do want to allow them to purchase items from my website but the delivery can't be in the restricted states. The fact that the form is the same for billing and delivery adress is a bit problematic. 

Anyway, thanks again ! 

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Both forms should use same countries and states if i remember right. If you ask the client for state but you dont include those states no product will be sent there. And it will be done in both forms because both take countries from same place. 

I sent you a picture of where to add state, you might edit France and click the state name to add it in one new line. 

When you add this there will appear a new field on both forms when country france is selected. 

Best regards!

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-14 a las 11.21.17.png

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