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Discounts based on option choice, user group and category product


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Hello everyone, we are an agency and we are looking for new collaborators for prestashop-related work.
We need reliable people who do not "disappear" if busy with the development of something else.
We currently have a very particular need. Here are the details:

Our requirement is that discounts are applied to individual products at checkout based on
- a customer choice (radio button),
- the group they belong to
- and the product category.

 - All customers belong to different groups.
- All products belong to some categories hidden from the user.
- These are subcategories of a category that we will call "discounts". Initially there will be 13 categories. These categories may increase.
- Some products have fixed prices
- before completing the order the customer MUST make a choice (radio button) between three options.
- The choice of the option will change the discounts applied to the products.

Discount rules:
- products with fixed price are excluded from discounts (if you choose the first or second option): that is, the fixed price is applied but no other discounts
- the discount to be applied is obtained from the option chosen and the category to which the product belongs and the group to which the user belongs.
- if you choose the third option then a 32% flat discount is applied to each product ignoring any other discounts (including fixed prices which will be ignored)

I need to be able to show the discounted prices and the relative percentages of the two options in the product previews, on the product page and in the order summary (before sending).

Obviously the original price, the discount percentage applied and the discounted price must be shown in the order summary (after sending) and in the notification emails (admin and user) (eg: price: 100€ if you choose the option A 90€ if you choose the option B )

Plus: I need to be able to independently increase the discount categories and therefore have it automatically available in the configuration panel. For example: if I create a new category under the "discounts" category then in the panel (which you see in the image below) a new column will appear (at the end) "13" etc.

The attached image is a simple mockup to explain the need. You are free to propose/use the layout that is most convenient for you Please, let me know if you can do it for us.



In the image:
- "Urgente" and "Stock" are the two option that applies the discounts.
- "00", "01", "02", [...], "13" are the categories
- the value in the cells are the percentage discount to apply




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I am a certified PrestaShop developer, and I can create a custom module to meet your specific needs. For each category, I will create fields to indicate the discount to be applied by customer group, which you will be able to manage in the back office.

We will also need to define the discount rules based on the option the customer chooses. Once the option is selected, we will check the customer's group, the various products in the cart, and create a discount just for them, which will be applied directly to their cart.

If you don’t have other solutions, I can take care of this, but not before November. Since the module is quite complex, it will require several days of development.

If you are interrested, please contact me in private to get an idea of the price.

Best regards,

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