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Alphabetical Order of 'Displayed' Sub Categories in the Store

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Hi all,

Is there ANY way to organize or Force the Displayed lists of sub categories in the Shop (as in the 'High-Lighted' examples shown - below) ??

I have been able to Sort the Sub Categories that appear in the 'Side Bar' Alphabetically but NOT in the Main page display area as below, with Stationary, being Listed Before Home Accessories.

I have only used this example from the 'Demo' for simplicity but in the Shop I am working on, it has a Lot of Sub Categories and whilst Most of them are in Alphabetical Order (due to the initial Creation order), later added Sub Categories are listed at the bottom, after all the others and are (perhaps obviously), Not in Order ... as would, (I believe), Ideally, be Desired !!!

Any help, would be greatly appreciated !! As realistically, without it being in Alphabetical order, it simply looks like (to a customer), that you just Couldn't be bothered arranging it properly and IMHO is rather unprofessional in appearance.

In case you hadn't noticed, I would REALLY like to 'FIX' this issue :)

Also, (now that I'm thinking about it), is it at All possible to Increase the Size of the Category Image seen to the Right of the Category Heading and Description ?? ... I have noticed in the Back-Office where (in theory) I can but it does Not change the displayed Size.

I'm guessing the Text Box to the Left needs re-sizing to allow the image to be larger,.. if so,.. then,.. How?

Thanks, in advance, I Eagerly await your replies :)


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categories management using the position

I HAVE done that and it made No difference whatsoever :( ??

In the Back-office, I Have Moved / arranged the Category list so it IS in Alphabetical order but is Not represented in Order in the shop, see attached image.

You can see that the list in the 'Side-Bar' is Alphabetical but the Sub Category Listing in the central main panel, is not ??


The attached image also shows my Category list ... IN Alphabetical order and Yes I HAVE Cleared the Cache :)





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So does ANYONE have ANY ideas about this scenario ??

TBH, I would have imagined this would either have 'happened' automatically or at least have some sort of functional Setting to Allow/Define the Order of Sub Category display in the Main 'body' area.

Obviously,.. NOT ... or at least, I have 'missed' where that functionality is hidden,.. 😉

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