Thank you for the additional information.
No extra module is needed, just a script that will run once a day.
Sample: (https://your-shop.pl/myscript.php?token=aBcDeFgHiJkL)
<?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); include('./config/config.inc.php'); include('./init.php'); $context = Context::getContext(); $db = Db::getInstance(); $token = 'aBcDeFgHiJkL'; // change it $urlToken = $_GET['token']; if ($token == $urlToken) { $expiredDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day')); $attributeGroupId = 19; // chnage it $where = ' WHERE p.id_product_attribute IS NOT NULL AND a.name <= DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 day), \'%Y-%m-%d\') OR name = \''.$expiredDate.'\''; $select = 'SELECT a.id_attribute, p.id_product_attribute FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'attribute_lang a LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_combination p ON (a.id_attribute = p.id_attribute)' .$where. ' GROUP BY a.id_attribute'; $getExpiredAttributeValues = $db->executeS($select); $toRemove = []; $toRemoveAttribute = []; if ($getExpiredAttributeValues){ // found expired foreach ($getExpiredAttributeValues as $attributeCombination) { if ((int) $attributeCombination['id_attribute'] != 0) { $toRemove[] = (int) $attributeCombination['id_product_attribute']; $toRemoveAttribute[] = (int) $attributeCombination['id_attribute']; } } if (!empty($toRemove)) { foreach ($toRemove as $remove) { $combination = new Combination($remove); $combination->delete(); echo 'Deleted product attribute ID: '.$remove.'<br>'; } } if (!empty($toRemoveAttribute)) { foreach ($toRemoveAttribute as $removeVal) { $db->delete('attribute', 'id_attribute = '.$removeVal); $db->delete('attribute_lang', 'id_attribute = '.$removeVal); $db->delete('attribute_shop', 'id_attribute = '.$removeVal); echo 'Deleted attribute ID: '.$removeVal.'<br>'; } } } }