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Looking for a way/module to display vartiants only at specific times

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Hi all!

I am looking for a solution for a small business that sells access to live online courses. I would like a specific course to have variants in the form of training start date. However, variants should disappear from the selection list the day before the training begins. 

I haven't found a plugin that would allow me to limit the time of variants. I also searched in the tickets and events area, but I didn't find anything I could use.

Thanks for help.

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I don't know of any such module either. This is a rather specific request. Combinations consist of variants. We don't see how you have it figured out now, if you have created a variant with a date .... Please give us more information, a sample of your idea. It is not a problem to create such an extension. It is not complicated and a good programmer can create such a module in an hour.

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Thanks for response. There is simple example:
1/ Lets say I'm creating new product: "XXX - Online Training - Entry Level".
2/ I define new attribute called: "Date", and add available training dates (YYYY-MM-DD) as values like that:
3/ In Product edit page i generate variants with available seat limit
4/ Final step - Product page. In the date select, trainings should be visible only to the day before the training begins.
Viewing this product on  2024-09-10, visible options should be: [2024-09-11, 2024-09-23, 2024-11-01, 2024-11-09, 2024-11-02].
Viewing this product on  2024-09-11 to 2024-09-22, visible options should be: [2024-09-23, 2024-11-01, 2024-11-09, 2024-11-02].
Viewing this product on  2024-09-23, visible options should be: [2024-11-01, 2024-11-09, 2024-11-02].

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Thank you for the additional information.

No extra module is needed, just a script that will run once a day.


Sample: (https://your-shop.pl/myscript.php?token=aBcDeFgHiJkL)


    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");


    $context = Context::getContext();
    $db = Db::getInstance();
    $token = 'aBcDeFgHiJkL'; // change it
    $urlToken = $_GET['token'];

    if ($token == $urlToken) {

        $expiredDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));

        $attributeGroupId = 19; // chnage it

        $where = ' WHERE p.id_product_attribute IS NOT NULL AND a.name <= DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 day), \'%Y-%m-%d\') OR name = \''.$expiredDate.'\'';

        $select = 'SELECT a.id_attribute, p.id_product_attribute 
            FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'attribute_lang a 
            LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_combination p ON (a.id_attribute = p.id_attribute)'
            ' GROUP BY a.id_attribute';

        $getExpiredAttributeValues = $db->executeS($select);

        $toRemove = [];
        $toRemoveAttribute = [];

        if ($getExpiredAttributeValues){ // found expired

            foreach ($getExpiredAttributeValues as $attributeCombination) {
                if ((int) $attributeCombination['id_attribute'] != 0) {
                    $toRemove[] = (int) $attributeCombination['id_product_attribute'];
                    $toRemoveAttribute[] = (int) $attributeCombination['id_attribute'];

            if (!empty($toRemove)) {
                foreach ($toRemove as $remove) {
                    $combination = new Combination($remove);
                    echo 'Deleted product attribute ID: '.$remove.'<br>';


            if (!empty($toRemoveAttribute)) {
                foreach ($toRemoveAttribute as $removeVal) {
                    $db->delete('attribute', 'id_attribute = '.$removeVal);
                    $db->delete('attribute_lang', 'id_attribute = '.$removeVal);
                    $db->delete('attribute_shop', 'id_attribute = '.$removeVal);
                    echo 'Deleted attribute ID: '.$removeVal.'<br>';


Edited by ps8modules (see edit history)
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