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[Solved] Setting up States

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Hi everyone

Hope your having a good day. I have a question on states that I hope someone can clear up for me

In the default install, US states are created and assigned to the zone US.

However, no country is actually created for USA. I am right in thinking this is not required just for USA. I can see that if another country had states, say Australia I would need to create my zone, create the country, specify it uses states and then go into states and create the states for Australia and assign these to the correct Country and zones.

So my question is should there be a country for USA or is this not required as US states exist in Prestashop even though there is no country defined with "use states"

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I would create a country called USA and then add the states.
Can you sign up and using these states without them beeing connected to a country?

To answer my own question: I can sign up to a country called USA as it is there in the back-end.
It is using the pre-created states and I can choose from the list.

Using 1.1 Vanilla install.

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so Norman,

Basically, you do need to create a country for USA -even though its states are built-into Prestashop and allocated to zone US.

So for accounts, for a customer who lives in USA, it will not just recognise their state and apply correct tax without there being a country for USA created. What Prestashop have done is to include a default zone US and create the states for the US zone but it still needs to then be applied to a USA as country that we need to create - Is that correct to save be running the full test myself?


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so Norman,

Basically, you do need to create a country for USA -even though its states are built-into Prestashop and allocated to zone US.

So for accounts, for a customer who lives in USA, it will not just recognise their state and apply correct tax without there being a country for USA created. What Prestashop have done is to include a default zone US and create the states for the US zone but it still needs to then be applied to a USA as country that we need to create - Is that correct to save be running the full test myself?



There is a country called USA already in a vanilla install, it has the pre-defined states attached to it + a zone called US.

Basicly: you ready to go!
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Sorry to labour this point, I did a fresh install of 1.1, no country called USA in countries with the installed demo data for me

I then checked the default install from the menus above (showcase>>BackOffice), also no country USA shown in countries, Canada is the only one shown for zone US

Can anyone clarify - am I the only one who does not see USA in countries. I am just trying to clarify what is in a vanilla install so I know if the country USA will always need to be created for shipping to work with people in that country correctly.

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I Disabled the states/county dropdown menu and altered the address2 input name to county/State and made it a requried input moved it down to the correct placement, so that I didnt have to go through and create states/counties for all the countries worldwide.

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I think that's sort what I am trying to say, those default states are USA. I know ISO code is US however...

Default install has Canada as US, but no actual country called USA shown in countries admin, (However, as Norman states and I have seen processing an order, USA is already built into the back-end system, but not shown in countries) Essentially Prestashop will take state tax if user specifies USA when they create their account, even if there is no country actually seen in backoffice>>>countries

I still think the default install is wrong however. Canada is assigned to US and thus to USA states which themselves are incomplete but...

Canada does not have states of course, only Providences. Quebec and Montreal's PST is the same because it is the same province and Toronto and Niagra are the same also (same province same Provincial Sales Tax)

So, it may seem I am being picky, but a default install with USA states (which are incomplete) assigned to a Zone called US which itself is assigned to the country "Canada" is plain wrong in my eyes -even for demo data. Most new users to Prestashop admin, may go and create USA without realising they don't need to and I guess it would be better to avoid confusion in the first place by including USA as a default country in Countries in any event and correct Canada defaulting to US states.

Anyway, this does not need a response - its just me babbling on really because it took me a while towork out that USA country is indeed not missing and does not need to be added by admin in countries for the system to work right

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and funny enough we just finished a glasses site for an opticians (not Prestashop before anyone asks)

yeh, ok guys, enough jokes at my expense - At least I owned up and was honest about my level of complete stupidity (still cannot belive it myself really!)

Anyway, thanks as always to everyone who chipped in - We will call this topic well and truly closed...

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I Disabled the states/county dropdown menu and altered the address2 input name to county/State and made it a requried input moved it down to the correct placement, so that I didnt have to go through and create states/counties for all the countries worldwide.

This is a very good idea. May I know how did you do this? I have searched the authentication.php and my-account.php and found nothing.

I appreciate if you could help me identify which file that I need to modify.

Thanks !
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