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Ps_wirepayment don't appear


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Server Information: Linux #40~22.04.3-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jul 30 17:30:19 UTC 2 x86_64Server Software Version: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)
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Table Prefix: ps_
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MySQL Connector: DbPDO

Hi, i think i tried everything but wirepayment don't want appear : 

- I reset the module
- I uninstalled and then reinstalled the module
- I deactivated all other payment modules
- I activated wirepayment for all groups, currencies, countries, and carriers
- I created new customers and imported new customers

I have a custom module 'lebrunimportexport' to import customers. Before the problem, I was working on it. Here’s what I did:

- Applied 20% VAT to all products by modifying productService in lebrunimportexport.php:

$product->id_tax_rules_group = 1;

- Shop Settings > Customers > “Groups” Tab > Edit (each group) > Display prices excluding tax
- International > Taxes > Taxes Tab > At the bottom > Enable taxes: yes + Display taxes in the cart: yes > Save
- Created customer groups 'payment before delivery', 'Payment by bill of exchange', 'Payment by bank transfer'
- Assigned payments according to the groups: Payment/Preferences
- In lebrunimportexport/src/services/CustomerService.php:

try { 
  $customer->add(); // Adds a "payment group" based on the payment method 
      if (trim($row["Mode_Reglement"]) == "PAIEMENT AVANT LIVRAISON") { $customer->addGroups([7]); } 
        elseif (trim($row["Mode_Reglement"]) == "TRAITE") { $customer->addGroups([8]); } 
        elseif (trim($row["Mode_Reglement"]) == "VIREMENT") { $customer->addGroups([9]); } $this->sendMailConfirmation($customer); } 
  catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Error while creating the company account ".$customer->company." Reason: ".$e->getMessage(). "\n"); 

Of course, I removed all the code, reset all the groups, etc., but nothing works.

I hope someone has an idea because I’m out of options, I think I’ve tried everything :/
Thanks in advance


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No one really ? I'm actually trying to add the same hooks for wire_payment that stripe, but the two hooks  are goods.

|| !$this->registerHook('displayPaymentReturn')

|| !$this->registerHook('paymentOptions')

I changed anything about this ... But i don't have more idea ...

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