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Cannot upgrade from v1.7.7.8 to - Back Office fails with SymfonyContainer error. Need assistance


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Hello Everyone -

I need assistance.  I'm trying to upgrade from v1.7.7.8 to v1.7.8.0  I've attached several files to this posting to provide needed information.  The upgrade completes successfully with NO ERRORS.  When I refresh the 1-Click Upgrade page, it then fails with the 'Unexpected Error Page'.  I cannot access the Back Office.  The Front Office works perfect with no issues.  The Back Office keeps showing the "You should use `SymfonyContainer::getInstance()` instead of `ContainerBuilder::getContainer('admin')`" error.  I have turned on Debug and captured the errors.  I have attached all the files and logs to this posting.  It should be noted, that this failure occurs with ANY UPDATES I attempt, all the way up to v8.17.  Always the same error message.  For this update, I was using the 1-click-autoupdate v5.03 because this release does not contain any XML file, so I could not use the 1-click-update v6.0.0 module.  Any assistance that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.  I've been working on this for several months, and now I'm to the point of giving up on trying to do any updates to my stores.  Thank you all for taking time to read this issue and providing some solution.  Let me know if you need any additional information.  After the upgrade, I update PHP to version 7.4.4  I also cleared out all CACHE files including the Browser.


1-Click Upgrade _ 1-Click Upgrade • Nostalgic Needleart - COMPLETE.pdf 1-Click Upgrade _ 1-Click Upgrade • Nostalgic Needleart.pdf Debug Log Print.pdf dev.log Information • Nostalgic Needleart.pdf Oops... looks like an unexpected error occurred_.pdf PHP PrestaShop Info.pdf prod.log Stack Trace.pdf Upgrade Log D082624.txt You should use `SymfonyContainer__getInstance()` instead of `ContainerBuilder__getContainer('admin')` (500 Internal Server Error).pdf

Edited by steve02cal (see edit history)
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No I don't have any overrides.  I was able to do upgrades from to with no issues.  I had done this last year.  I followed all the instructions, cleared all cache etc.  Everything worked perfectly.  Now when I want to upgrade to I'm having all these issues.  I even tested creating a NEW STORE (for testing) installing from scratch and everything works.  There are no issues.  So I'm not certain why an upgrade keeps failing.  

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I'm not certain what you mean?  I'm not a programmer.  I'm pretty much a newbie to json and other codes.  I've worked on a Mainframe all my career.  Can you explain a little more in detail what/where I need to look?  I greatly appreciate your assistance!!!!  This has been a very frustrating experience.  I originally started out with v1.5.6 and eventually got to my current version of v1.7.7.8  It's taken over three years for me to get to this point, so I'm learning as I go. 

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I wanted to keep up on Security Issues, and performance.  I was able to move to a larger VPS and now have larger environment for better performance.  I have already attached the Dev.log and PROD.log to this discussion.  I did not see anything outstanding.  The apache 2 logs were the same.  I also provided the DEBUG.log and STACK trace as well.

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When looking thru the logs the failed to delete Profile/Exception/failedToDeleteProfileException.php. and Exception/FailedToEnableThemeModuleException.php. could be a rights related issue. Look up the permission section on the presta help. 

Did you set up the VPS yourself? Is the hostname set? VPS are not really straight forward, depends also on the distro and the permission settings.


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In which log file did you find those 2 entries?  I could not find them.  I did find where it was successful in copying the 2 different PHP files.  But I could not find any "failed to delete" entries.  Sorry for all the questions.

As for the VPS, this was setup by my hosting provides, whom I've been with for over 15 years.  I just recently upgraded to a larger VPS with more CPU's (8), more memory (16G) and more storage (240GB NVME).  Other than that, I've never had any issues with Prestashop upgrades from way back to 1.5.6 up to my current version

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Thank you....   I looked at line 6150 and this is what I saw:

[2024-08-26 12:41:43] Copied /src/Core/Domain/Theme/Exception/FailedToEnableThemeModuleException.php.

This shows it was a COPY statement.  It appears to have copied successfully.  Does not show an error.  Am I not reading this correctly?  That module shows permission of 0644 just as all the other modules.

Here is a screenshot of that directory with all the modules:


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Thank you for the link.  Very good information.  Is there a module that would show me exactly what version is currently installed for each of the modules?  It looks like I would have to open each module individually and validate it's at the current release as listed.  That will take quite some time to validate.  

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I'm confused.  Reading the article, I understand that v1.7.8 it shows that all those modules listed were updated to the listed current version.  Doesn't the 1-Click upgrade process copy over these Updated Modules (from the zip file)?  Yet your suggesting I would need to update all these modules manually, before doing the 1-Click upgrade?  

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1 hour ago, steve02cal said:

Yet your suggesting I would need to update all these modules manually, before doing the 1-Click upgrade?  

When you install E-commerce you have a site which was uploaded recently, meaning it could be 4 weeks later you download the Store. out of 45 Modules 30% or more would need an update. What makes you believe that a download of a store is already the newest?

The developer team works hard and delivers, say PS version 8.17, with modules they have used to develop that particular version. That alone makes it highly possible to have outdated modules. Even though you download the version not older than 30 minutes.

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