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[Solved] Admin Panel not making updates to changes after the save or submit button is hit.

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As it states above, Admin Panel not making updates to changes after the save or submit button is hit.

The admin will say update successful but this is untrue.

If i attempt to turn off SSL for testing and hit save in preferences it says update sucessfull yet the SSL box is still check marked and the site is still using SSL

I have the same issue with all changes in the admin. any clue as to why this is happening?

I recently fixed a bunch of modules that were causing SSL errors on my site. There are now no SSL errors and my server error log has no errors as well. However the admin will not let me change anything. I have tried three different browsers as well.

Also the mywishlist and my account links also do not show anything in the middle of the page all I see is the header and Left Column Blocks. Is this part of the same error?

Refers to https://newvinylconcepts.com/Fusion/en/authentication?back=my-account.php

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try following things to see if it helps you find out the problem.

1. set display_errors' to 'on' in file /config/config.inc.php
any error will be displayed on screen when you operate your sore.

2. try to set following stuff at Preference - Performance
Smarty section:
Force Compile : yes
Cache: No

Cache section (at bottom)
Use cache: No

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