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How to find out how much tax was collected for the quarter?

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  • 2 months later...

do a SQL query in admin>advance parameters>database

You can then download .csv file

Example below.

h.id_order AS 'Order Id', 
d.name AS '(ship to) Country', 
e.name AS 'State',
ROUND(a.total_paid_tax_incl, 2) AS 'Total paid', 
ROUND((a.total_paid_tax_incl - a.total_paid_tax_excl), 2) AS 'Total tax', 
g.date_add AS 'Order date',
f.name AS 'Order status'
FROM ps_order_history h  
LEFT JOIN ps_orders a ON (a.id_order = h.id_order)
LEFT JOIN ps_address b ON (b.id_address = a.id_address_delivery)
LEFT JOIN ps_address c ON (c.id_address = a.id_address_invoice)
LEFT JOIN ps_country_lang d ON (d.id_country = b.id_country)
LEFT JOIN ps_state e ON (e.id_state = b.id_state)
LEFT JOIN ps_order_state_lang f ON (f.id_order_state = h.id_order_state OR f.id_order_state = a.current_state)
LEFT JOIN ps_order_payment g ON (g.order_reference = a.reference)
d.name = 'Canada' 
AND d.id_lang = a.id_lang 
AND  f.id_lang = a.id_lang 
AND (h.id_order_state = 2 OR a.current_state = 2) /* payment accepted */
AND (g.date_add BETWEEN '2024-07-01' AND '2024-09-30') 
GROUP BY h.id_order
ORDER BY g.date_add ASC

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