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Send email confirmation to user when created in back office


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I dont know why there is no information to client when You create a acount in back office?

I found the file that is responsible for creation user in backoffice is in src/Adapter/Customer/CommandHandler/AddCustomerHandler.php


I was trying to auto attach the recover password email template but no luck with that.

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Edit 2:


Ok i found the way, in ps

edit: src/Adapter/Customer/CommandHandler/AddCustomerHandler.php


Added to code

On top:

use Mail;

In middle:

        // Send welcome email to customer
        $this->sendCustomerWelcomeEmail($customer, $command->getPassword()->getValue());

At end bfore last }

     * Sends a welcome email to the newly added customer
     * @param Customer $customer
    private function sendCustomerWelcomeEmail(Customer $customer, $plainPassword)
        $templateVars = [
            '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
            '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
            '{email}' => $customer->email,

        $languageId = $customer->id_lang ? (int) $customer->id_lang : 1;

        $mailSent = Mail::Send(
            Mail::l('Welcome!', $languageId),
            $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname

        if (!$mailSent) {
            // Handle the case where the email could not be sent
            throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to send welcome email to customer');


Edited code look like this:

namespace PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Customer\CommandHandler;

use Customer;
use Mail;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Crypto\Hashing;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\Command\AddCustomerCommand;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\CommandHandler\AddCustomerHandlerInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\Exception\CustomerDefaultGroupAccessException;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\Exception\CustomerException;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\Exception\DuplicateCustomerEmailException;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\ValueObject\CustomerId;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Customer\ValueObject\RequiredField;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\ValueObject\Email;

 * Handles command that adds new customer
 * @internal
final class AddCustomerHandler extends AbstractCustomerHandler implements AddCustomerHandlerInterface
     * @var Hashing
    private $hashing;

     * @var string Value of legacy _COOKIE_KEY_
    private $legacyCookieKey;

     * @param Hashing $hashing
     * @param string $legacyCookieKey
    public function __construct(Hashing $hashing, $legacyCookieKey)
        $this->hashing = $hashing;
        $this->legacyCookieKey = $legacyCookieKey;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function handle(AddCustomerCommand $command)
        $customer = new Customer();

        $this->fillCustomerWithCommandData($customer, $command);

        // validateFieldsRequiredDatabase() below is using $_POST
        // to check if required fields are set
        $_POST[RequiredField::PARTNER_OFFERS] = $command->isPartnerOffersSubscribed();


        if (false === $customer->validateFields(false)) {
            throw new CustomerException('Customer contains invalid field values');


		// Send welcome email to customer
        $this->sendCustomerWelcomeEmail($customer, $command->getPassword()->getValue());

        return new CustomerId((int) $customer->id);

     * @param Email $email
    private function assertCustomerWithGivenEmailDoesNotExist(Email $email)
        $customer = new Customer();

        if ($customer->id) {
            throw new DuplicateCustomerEmailException($email, sprintf('Customer with email "%s" already exists', $email->getValue()));

     * @param Customer $customer
     * @param AddCustomerCommand $command
    private function fillCustomerWithCommandData(Customer $customer, AddCustomerCommand $command)
        $apeCode = null !== $command->getApeCode() ?
            $command->getApeCode()->getValue() :

        $hashedPassword = $this->hashing->hash(

        $customer->firstname = $command->getFirstName()->getValue();
        $customer->lastname = $command->getLastName()->getValue();
        $customer->email = $command->getEmail()->getValue();
        $customer->passwd = $hashedPassword;
        $customer->id_default_group = $command->getDefaultGroupId();
        $customer->groupBox = $command->getGroupIds();
        $customer->id_gender = $command->getGenderId();
        $customer->active = $command->isEnabled();
        $customer->optin = $command->isPartnerOffersSubscribed();
        $customer->birthday = $command->getBirthday()->getValue();
        $customer->id_shop = $command->getShopId();

        // fill b2b customer fields
        $customer->company = $command->getCompanyName();
        $customer->siret = $command->getSiretCode();
        $customer->ape = $apeCode;
        $customer->website = $command->getWebsite();
        $customer->outstanding_allow_amount = $command->getAllowedOutstandingAmount();
        $customer->max_payment_days = $command->getMaxPaymentDays();
        $customer->id_risk = $command->getRiskId();

     * @param AddCustomerCommand $command
    private function assertCustomerCanAccessDefaultGroup(AddCustomerCommand $command)
        if (!in_array($command->getDefaultGroupId(), $command->getGroupIds())) {
            throw new CustomerDefaultGroupAccessException(sprintf('Customer default group with id "%s" must be in access groups', $command->getDefaultGroupId()));
     * Sends a welcome email to the newly added customer
     * @param Customer $customer
    private function sendCustomerWelcomeEmail(Customer $customer, $plainPassword)
        $templateVars = [
            '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
            '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
            '{email}' => $customer->email,

        $languageId = $customer->id_lang ? (int) $customer->id_lang : 1;

        $mailSent = Mail::Send(
            Mail::l('Welcome!', $languageId),
            $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname

        if (!$mailSent) {
            // Handle the case where the email could not be sent
            throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to send welcome email to customer');



Edited by c64girl
Fixed code (see edit history)
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