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I get continuous emails with warnings of back office log_alert changes.


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Hi, I've been getting continuous emails from the shop for several days now.

log_alert English.   Registration: You have a new alert from your shop

For each action such as editing a product, several are generated.

From logs I see that it is linked to Product modification (Severity 1) or Connection to back-office (Severity 1).

How can I deactivate these emails? I don't know why they have been activated all of a sudden. I have seen in the forum that it could be due to Prestashop Metrics or Google Analytics but when I deactivate these modules I have had no results.

The problem is not in the severity level, which I have set to 3, but in the automatic and uncontrolled generation of multiple alerts when, for example, I edit a product and this saturates the mail that receives the alerts.

The rest of the notifications do not cause any problems.

Is there any way to inhibit only the log_alert alerts without altering the rest?

I have tried to delete the log_alert.html and log_alert.txt templates but as they are core mails they are regenerated.

In the screenshot you can see that with only one action of Information only (Severity 1) Product modification 15 alerts are generated.

Is it possible to deactivate the log_alert email without affecting the notification emails (account, order_conf, new order, etc.)?

I'm using Prestashop

Thank you very much in advance!

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-12 a las 8.23.56.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-12 a las 8.29.50.png

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