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Module or How to incresse the product description max character limit in prestashop 8

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Please can anyone help with this, i need to incresse the product description max character limit from 21844 , to duble or so.

I trid this tutorial from prestapros blog, but with no sucess, it is for PRESTASHOP 1.7, and it only worked for the CMS pages, not the product description ( https://prestapros.com/en/blog/prestashop-17-character-limits )

I think Prestashop 8 checks total numer of characters (including html code) while older releases checks characters of pure text only. 

and this is way i need to increese max character limit from 21844, i'm inporting from an older version and now i need more space.

Can anyone point me on how to do this caracter increesse ?, i used to have a module from Mypresta ( https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/increase-characters-limit-in-product-description.html#TabChangelog), ut it is not working and I cannot purchase a new version, because the website does not respond when adding to cart, and so I am unable to buy it.

Also, I tried to contact Vekia (forum moderator and owner of mypresta.eu), but with no success, so far, it has been a month or so since I first tried to contact them.So please, is there anyone with the knowledge to give a few pointers on how to do this or a similar module?

Thanks Best regards

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Thank for this, i will try to see how can i get this done 😅, seems a bit to tehnical to me. 

Would you by any chance now of such a module like the ; ( https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/increase-characters-limit-in-product-description.html#TabChangelog), 

That is available for purchase and  can do this by itself ?

Anyway thanks a lot . 👍


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il y a 12 minutes, lokifer a dit :

Would you by any chance now of such a module like the ; ( https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/increase-characters-limit-in-product-description.html#TabChangelog),

I can't give you information about this module I don't know. But if you have a webmaster the change in templates is very easy

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You need to edit the core files of PS and the database. Let me explain below.

Go to the file "/src/Core/Domain/Product/ProductSettings.php" and find the constant MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH and increase it. 

Then go to your database and find the product_lang table. and set the description column to LONGTEXT. That will do.

Another solution is to get modules like infofield, advanced custom field etc. that let you add advanced custom fields to your product page and then add more description and info with that module.



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  • 2 months later...

Hello, thanks to this post i was able to increase description characters limit.

I changed also MAX_DESCRIPTION_SHORT_LENGTH = 800 to 1600.

Thinking that it was able to change Summary limit length to 1600 characters. But the Summary lenght didn't changed.

Someone got solution how to increase Summary length of product?

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Hello @TMOtech

For summary length you need to change in the database settings because it is configurable. See the attached screenshot. Search on the database in the configuration table with PS_PRODUCT_SHORT_DESC_LIMIT and you will find it. 

Screenshot of the database 



To add these kinds of extra content you can use this module also. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/registration-ordering-process/94239-infofields-create-advanced-custom-fields-product-tabs.html 


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