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Is there a way to sort Features inside the Product?


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Hi, had a question,

"Is there a way to sort Features inside the Product?"

We come from Magento to Prestashop, and there is something called "Attribute Set" there, which is basically Grouping Features in Prestashop. So in product creation, we don't have to insert every Feature one by one, but only select the Group and all of them will be listed, we just have to complete the info.

The reason we want this is because of the Feature Order, is there a way to order the features for every product, with dragging maybe, if there is the same Feature in 3 different products for example, but in 1. we want it to show last, in 2. we want that feature to show second, and in 3. we want to show first. But the way it is, the only order is the General order, and we can't customise it per product

Is there a way to help us with this? if not can you help us point to a paid Module which can do that for us?

Thank you very much


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Just had this Request out of nowhere, and they say it's because let's take "Weight" for example, it's in a lot of different products they have, and if it's talking about a Dumbell, they want it the first Feature since that's the important one, but If it's a Smartphone for example, they want it deep below every other stat, and I don't blame them since they have a lot of different products and I don't want to create a Weight Feature for every category of products, that ruins the whole point

In Magento, this was better because as I said, you could make "groups" for each category.

We are leaving Magento because It's really slow and not user-friendly in the backend, and 2 top themes that we have bought so far, the devs ditched, without updates, and both times went down the hill, we're not developers, and in Magento you really needed a Developer to fix things time to time, because one small update breaks the whole thing.

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13 hours ago, Yado said:

In Magento, this was better because as I said, you could make "groups" for each category.

In Prestashop you can create groups too, and in Prestashop you are well advised to use a developer, or if you wait a little jump onto the SaaS they plan to offer.

Slow BO could be your Database, or a lot of extensions. Once a shop gets older a lot of weight is accumulated, You should also not concentrate on only one shop. Have several and have greater chances in attacking keywords, specifying and channeling product groups better.

The biggest issue in E Commerce are the 3rd party extensions, each update became a lottery.

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Well if Magento responding slow, 1st step is to solve that. Could be DB, even the server could be an issue. 

Then doing a 2nd shop with products fitting in one category, or even 2 if they are close in terms of search-terms, like health or beauty.
From the user standpoint to have too many options are not helping their decision capabilities.

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