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When the hook actionAdminDeleteAfter is triggered


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when those hooks are triggerd? Prestashop 8.1.6.


I guess that when I delete a product in BO.

I can install a module with any of this hook but function connected with any of this hooks is not executed when I delete a product.


In the same module I successfully used a hook actionAdminDuplicateAfter

How else should I execute a function after product deletion?

A test module for the hook:

At least it should show an error because $PCDA is not defined.




if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {




class DhPcda extends Module


public function __construct()


$this->name = 'dhpcda';

$this->tab = 'administration';

$this->version = '1.0.0';

$this->author = 'aaa.pl';

$this->need_instance = 0;

$this->ps_versions_compliancy = [

'min' => '',

'max' => _PS_VERSION_,


$this->bootstrap = true;




$this->displayName = $this->trans('AAA PCDA', [], 'Modules.Dhtestduplicate.Dhtestduplicate');

$this->description = $this->trans('Test: ActionAdminProductsControllerDeleteAfter', [], 'Modules.Dhtestduplicate.dhtestduplicate');



public function install()


if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) {



return parent::install() &&





public function uninstall()


return parent::uninstall();



public function isUsingNewTranslationSystem()


return true;



public function hookActionAdminProductsControllerDeleteAfter($params) {


$aaa = $PCDA;


$db = \Db::getInstance();




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Here are few Debugging tips:

  • Add a log entry at the beginning of the hook method to check if the method is called at all.
  • Make sure the file path where you are trying to write the logs is correct and writable.
  • Navigate to the product deletion page and delete a product. Then check the logs to see if the hooks are being triggered.


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Thanks for help.

The hook actionProductDeleteAfter is not called after product deletion. This is the same situation as with hooks:

I checked that I can use other hooks like actionCategoryUpdate, actionListModules, actionAdminDuplicateAfter.
For example the function hookActionCategoryUpdate is called correctly and json file is written to the directory.

I tested it on the local installation and on the hosting configured for Prestashop.

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  On 6/20/2024 at 6:21 PM, Peter_17 said:

Thanks for help.

The hook actionProductDeleteAfter is not called after product deletion. This is the same situation as with hooks:

I checked that I can use other hooks like actionCategoryUpdate, actionListModules, actionAdminDuplicateAfter.
For example the function hookActionCategoryUpdate is called correctly and json file is written to the directory.

I tested it on the local installation and on the hosting configured for Prestashop.


Are you sure its registered correctly? Because Object hooks are allways called after save,add,delete action.
Here is proper way, i'm using it myself but on PS 1.7.8
public function hookactionObjectProductDeleteBefore($params){

Edited by WisQQ (see edit history)
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On PS 1.7.8 this code works (json files are saved):

    public function install()  
        return parent::install() &&
            $this->registerHook('actionObjectProductDeleteAfter') &&


    public function hookactionObjectProductDeleteAfter($params) {

    public function hookactionObjectProductDeleteBefore($params) {

but it does not work on PS 8.1.6

Which hooks should I use on PS 8.1.6?

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  On 6/21/2024 at 5:53 PM, Peter_17 said:

On PS 1.7.8 this code works (json files are saved):

    public function install()  
        return parent::install() &&
            $this->registerHook('actionObjectProductDeleteAfter') &&


    public function hookactionObjectProductDeleteAfter($params) {

    public function hookactionObjectProductDeleteBefore($params) {

but it does not work on PS 8.1.6

Which hooks should I use on PS 8.1.6?


Maybe the problem is file_put_contents function? Try to use built in prestashop logger.
PrestaShopLogger::addLog('actionObjectProduct '.json_encode($params));    

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    public function delete()
        // @hook actionObject<ObjectClassName>DeleteBefore
        Hook::exec('actionObjectDeleteBefore', ['object' => $this]);
        Hook::exec('actionObject' . $this->getFullyQualifiedName() . 'DeleteBefore', ['object' => $this]);

        $result = true;
        // Remove association to multishop table
        if (Shop::isTableAssociated($this->def['table'])) {
            $id_shop_list = Shop::getContextListShopID();
            if (count($this->id_shop_list)) {
                $id_shop_list = $this->id_shop_list;

            $id_shop_list = array_map('intval', $id_shop_list);

            $result &= Db::getInstance()->delete($this->def['table'] . '_shop', '`' . $this->def['primary'] . '`=' .
                (int) $this->id . ' AND id_shop IN (' . implode(', ', $id_shop_list) . ')');

        // Database deletion
        $has_multishop_entries = $this->hasMultishopEntries();

        // Database deletion for multilingual fields related to the object
        if (!empty($this->def['multilang']) && !$has_multishop_entries) {
            $result &= Db::getInstance()->delete($this->def['table'] . '_lang', '`' . bqSQL($this->def['primary']) . '` = ' . (int) $this->id);

        if ($result && !$has_multishop_entries) {
            $result &= Db::getInstance()->delete($this->def['table'], '`' . bqSQL($this->def['primary']) . '` = ' . (int) $this->id);

        if (!$result) {
            return false;

        // @hook actionObject<ObjectClassName>DeleteAfter
        Hook::exec('actionObjectDeleteAfter', ['object' => $this]);
        Hook::exec('actionObject' . $this->getFullyQualifiedName() . 'DeleteAfter', ['object' => $this]);

        return $result;

This is delete function from objectmodel in PS8. So it should work exacly like on ps1.7

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Thanks for help.

Searching for a string: 'public function delete()' I found in a file /classes/Product.php a line:

Hook::exec('actionProductDelete', ['id_product' => (int) $this->id, 'product' => $this]);

So I wrote my code this way:

    public function install()
        return parent::install() &&

    public function hookactionProductDelete($params)


and it works :)

I guess it's not 100% the same hook as 'actionProductDeleteAfter' but in my module it will work good enough.

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