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Inbuilt Analytics Module not tracking view_item in GA4 so Purchase Journey Report DOesnt Work

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Hi all,


We are using the inbuilt analytics module with Prestashop 1.8, it tracks purchases however it is not tracking the 

view_item event, which is used in a lot of the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) reports.

How do we get the plugin to track the event as its rendering a lot of the e-commerce reports useless and it seems to be a standard event most e-commerce systems use? You cant change it on the analytics end.


Thanks in advnace

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1 minute ago, ChrisDB said:

view_item event, which is used in a lot of the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) reports.

have you checked errorlogs?

The Prestashop 1.8 is brandnew, comes out of a 1.7, 1.6 or how?
Did it work before?

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It's not showing any errors, it just doesn't fire the event from what I can see.

I haven't tested in 1.7 as when we were on that version we were on GA3 not GA4, so not sure if this worked at all or has never worked


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