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[Modulo] Bloque login en columnas laterales


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Este módulo es un bloque de login lateral en cualquiera de las dos columnas de nuestra tienda virtual.

Incluye un botón para registrarse en caso que el usuario no lo esté y un enlace para que puedan recuperar la constraseña.

Una vez se encuentre logueado el usuario, visualizará un mensaje de bienvenida en el encabezado del módulo con su nombre.

Descargar modulo:

Bloque login Prestashop


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, i know that Mis Vales is my voucher but if you look at the image i attach in previous message, on the left side there is the normal PS Account block and on the right side your block.
As said i translated in Italian all the items, but the item "Mis Vales", stiil traduced in "Buoni Sconto", doesn't appear; appear everytime "Mis Vales".

Waht i can't understand is why all other items are correctly traduced and Mis VAles no ...

I search in all the files in your module but no way to find where it is.

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In line 14 blocklogin.tpl change line for this
{if $voucherAllowed}getPageLink('discount.php', true)}" title="">{l s='Mis vales' mod='blocklogin'}{/if}

I updated...thanks for bug.

Tks for the info.
i disinstall the old one and installed another time, just to be sure to exit from some problems.
I checked the blocklogin.tpl and i changed the instruction on line 14 but it doesn't work the same.

Here what i have now, with everytime "Mis Vales" on the block.
Really strange ...
I saw a at the end of the line "Mis Datos Personales". this van be a problem?
I make some test changhing various possibilities like taking out the \blocklogin, replacing the blocklogin with blockmyaccount, taking out the IF condition ... but Mis Vales still there ...

getPageLink('order-slip.php', true)}" title="">{l s='Mis vales descuento' mod='blocklogin'}
getPageLink('addresses.php', true)}" title="">{l s='Mis direcciones' mod='blocklogin'}
getPageLink('identity.php', true)}" title="">{l s='Mis datos personales' mod='blocklogin'}
<!-- OLD INSTRUCTION {if $voucherAllowed}getPageLink('discount.php', true)}" title="">{l s='Mis vales' mod='blockmyaccount'}{/if}
{if $voucherAllowed}getPageLink(‘discount.php’, true)}” title=”“>{l s=‘Mis vales’ mod=‘blocklogin’}{/if}
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  • 3 months later...
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  • 1 year later...

@4webs.es - Sacaréis alguna actualización del módulo ya que han salido varias versiones más de prestashop 1.5.x y algunas funciones están obsoletas (como addCSS() e isLogged() ?


A mi me da estos avisos:


Function addCSS() is deprecated in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/blocklogin/blocklogin.php on line 51

in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/classes/Tools.php on line 2147


Warning: Function isLogged() is deprecated in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/blocklogin/blocklogin.php on line 35

in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/classes/Tools.php on line 2147 


Estaría bien tenerlo actualizado.

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