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Products lost their categories - Multistore

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I have a multistore (Shop 1 is online and Shop 2 is under construction). 

I noticed that some products in Shop 2 have lost their categories and I cannot find the reason why. These two shops have different roots with different categories but the products are the same. 

Has anyone faced the same problem? 

Thank you in advance. 

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Thank you for your answer. 

The main categories for both stores are the same (but with different roots) and then the subcategories are different. 

For example:

Root 1 is for Shop 1

Root 2 is for Shop 2

So in every shop we have: 

Root 1 -> Category 1 ->Subcategory 1->  Product 

Root 2 -> Category 1 -> Subcategory 2-> Product

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For shop 1 I upload with csv the stock and for shop 2 I have created a bridge between SAP and Prestashop and the stock and prices are updating automatically every 1 hour. 

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