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Prestashop 8.1.3 upgraded to 8.1.5 - now missing controllers (SOLVED)


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Hello Everyone,

I have installed from scratch PrestaShop v8.1.3 and then later I noticed there is PrestaShop v8.1.5 so I decided to upgrading using "1-Click Upgrade". Upgrade was successful with no error according during the process.

However, when I checked the system I noticed missing Controllers?

1. So when I click Stats \ Stats or PrestaShop Metric I have message: "Page not found" and error: "The controller AdminMetricsLegacyStatsController is missing or invalid."

2. Also, when I click Design \ Customization I have message: "Page not found" and error: "The controller AdminPsxDesignParentTab is missing or invalid."

No sure how to fix these issues?

p.s. I see there is minor upgrade available v.8.1.6 but I don't want to upgrade until I fix missing Controllers.

Please help.

Thank you very much

DesignParent Controller.JPG

Metrics Controller.JPG

Edited by bksmartit (see edit history)
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endriu107, Thank you for your respond.

Respond to Issue #1

I reinstalled those modules as you recommended. I am able to click Stats \ Stats (This link is working fine now)

However, when I click click Stats \ PrestaShop Metrix I get different error this time now.

Oops... looks like an unexpected error occurred.

You have requested a non-existent service "PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Service\PresenterService".

[Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException 0]


Issue # 2 still there - unsolved.

I click Design \ Customization I have message: "Page not found" and error: "The controller AdminPsxDesignParentTab is missing or invalid."


Any adivce/help?

Thank you



Oops error occurred.JPG

DesignParent Controller.JPG

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Update regarding on error #2

When click Design \ Customization I have message: "Page not found" and error: "The controller AdminPsxDesignParentTab is missing or invalid."

Solution: Enable PrestaShop Design and PrestaShop Marketplace in your BackOffice in Modules Manager (by default were disabled)

I am not sure why Themes Catalog has trouble connecting to Addons?

Any one knows. Please share

Thank you


p.s Error #1 still unsolved

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Update regarding on error #1

when click Stats \ Stats or PrestaShop Metrics I have message: "Page not found" and error: "The controller AdminMetricsLegacyStatsController is missing or invalid."

Step tried: Uninstalled and reinstalled module: PrestaShop Metrics, the first error disapeared but this step generated new error:

Oops... looks like an unexpected error occurred.

You have requested a non-existent service "PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Service\PresenterService".

[Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException 0]

Solution to this error: PrestaShop Metrics also required the following Modules that need to be inabled: PrestaShop Accounts and PrestaShop Eventbus.

Viola! it is working!

Thank you

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  • bksmartit changed the title to Prestashop 8.1.3 upgraded to 8.1.5 - now missing controllers (SOLVED)
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