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Variation pictures as radiobuttons

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I am looking for a module to display variation pictures as radiobuttons on product page. So the module should display product picture as a color selector. Any working modules to recommend? We try to make st-themes module working but it's not. 

Thanks for response. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @IgorB,

Prestashop provides a feature to upload an image to each attribute as a radio button please perform the below steps

Step 1: Navigate to the "Attributes & Features" menu located in the left sidebar to create a new attribute. Please refer to the screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/6aJHlwKulk9Q.

Step 2: Upon reaching the screen to create a new attribute, ensure that you select the attribute type as "Color" or "Texture". Please review the screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/es32qAvpdOUo.

Step 3: After creating the attribute, proceed to create a value option for it. During this process, you'll need to upload an image. Refer to the screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/65F46Uc4yuNU. Once uploaded, click on the "Save" button. This will enable the radio button with the image on the frontend product page. Please review the screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/vs-zVTkl43rt.

Step 4: Clear Cache

After making these changes, clear the cache to ensure the updates take effect. You can do this from the back office:
Go to Advanced Parameters > Performance.
Click on Clear Cache.



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Hi I think, this is not the case. I need system to generate radiobutton automaticaly using product thumbnail. 

But thanks anyway. 

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