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How to duplicate contact form page in Prestashop 1.7?


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I want to clone the contactform module in prestashop I did the following steps, but apparently it is not enough. After creating the page in Traffic & SEO (SEO & URL), the page is still 404 not found. Can you help me please?

FILE_1_: public_html/controllers/front/ContactController2.php
FILE_2_: public_html/modules/contactform2/contactform2.php
FILE_3_: public_html/theme/panda/modules/contactform2/views/template/widget/contactform2.tpl 
FILE_4_: public_html/theme/panda/templates/contact2.tpl
FILE_5_: public_html/classes/Contact2.php

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On 5/24/2024 at 8:09 PM, endriu107 said:

What exactly result you want to achieve? 

 I want to duplcate the contactform module and to create a new page Contact (Contact 2 for example with different url for exp: /contact-2).


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30 minutes ago, Dev-S21 said:

I want to duplcate the contactform module and to create a new page Contact (Contact 2 for example with different url for exp: /contact-2).

preparing a landing-page? You can do that in html5, just add the folder in which have the landing-page in your presta shop root folder and add the link or don't. Old school landing-pages don't have menus. 


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2 hours ago, endriu107 said:

Even you duplicate contact module still in BO you will not know what contact form was used from customer. 

People which are interested will send the form. 

There are tracking scripts you can use to see how people will react to the landing-page. Forcefully using all things Prestashop is not a good Idea in my book.


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