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[Solved] matrice 1.4 Need change subcategories position

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Hi there!
First of all sorry for my English.
I'm just new with prestashop and I got a problem like this:

I found same problem solved on Matrice version 1.3(or old),


but theme version 1.4, "global.css" look totaly different, so I could not find a code that I need to change.

Is anybody figured out with Matrice theme 1.4?

Thank you for your help I hope I can fix it soon^^.

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"search the forum.
find the existing thread(s) regarding the matrice theme and post your question therein.
People interested in, familiar with, and using that theme are probably subscribed to that thread"

I already did^^; I serched, I posted and worte down here again.
Thank you for ur friendly concerned, but it's not that helpful to me fo far, haha..

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