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Can't Syncronize PrestaShop Account, all module that need PS Account stopped work

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Hi there,

I have this problem: I can login in the PrestaShop Addons MArket place by clicking on "Access With Google", If I use my email and the password that I've set in 2017, I cannot access. Once accessed with Google I can't change password beacause the old one (even if I'm sure that it's the one created in 2017) doesn't get recognized. So, the problem is that now (after years of usage) I've updated my PS Account module and now even if I can syncronize, the account is not really syncronized, and so I cannot configure PRestashop Checkout (so I can't get payments) and all the official module that requires a PS Account. If I try to click on "Forgot Password" none email with reset password link arrive in my address (not even the spam folder, already checked) and the PS technical team they told me that they can clearly see that the reset password email has been sent, but I don't receive nothing

Seems like a nightmare, the solution to all the problems is so simple but I can't get through it

So, it's days that my shop is stopped and I cannot work with it, losing sales and money, I really ask for help, please

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I had a problem with an old account. I could connect the back office with it but not log in to the addons store, meaning there was no actual connection to the store in the back office. Had to just abandon the login and create a new account as the support folks didn't even seem to understand the problem..... It seems a change at some point broke accounts.

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I think you described exacly what happened to me: account broken. But you know? I created a new account, and then associated it (After created, inside it, the news store to link) But it always see only the old shop from the other account (Even if I log in with my new account!) so I eliminated the old account and, incredible, the  PS ACcount module only see the old shop, so even if it result as linked, its not really linked (As you were saying) and so none of the modules like Checkout works, and none from the suppport is replying to me since yestarday, I'm desperate and dunno what to do, since it's an account related problem, only them can do something


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