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(1/1) FatalThrowableError Undefined constant "_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_" in Context.php line 292


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Hey all,

on one of my clients prestashop following error occurs:

"(1/1) FatalThrowableError

Undefined constant "_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_"

in Context.php line 292"


We don't know, how to solve this. Any ideas for this problem?


While log in to the admin of this page, we got following error:

"(1/1) FatalErrorException

Compile Error: Declaration of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection::query() must be compatible with PDO::query(string $query, ?int $fetchMode = null, mixed ...$fetchModeArgs): PDOStatement|false

in PDOConnection.php line 70"


The current php version is 7.4


Thanks for all your help.

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Just go to phpmyadmin and in the xx_configuration table add that record. It should fix the "error" although you can also "disable" it by changing the value of "PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE" in that same table and setting it to 0 (not sure where/if it is configurable from the BO - probably under the theme settings).

From the Context class:

return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], Context::getContext()->cookie)
            && (bool) Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE')
            && defined('_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_')
            && @filemtime(_PS_THEME_MOBILE_DIR_)
            && !Context::getContext()->cookie->no_mobile;

As I understand it, you would only enable this if you have a specific, separate mobile theme.

Edited by Paul C
expanded answer (see edit history)
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