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Problem with the invoices


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So I've been modifying the invoice dates and I've encountered a problem that in the header of the invoice  the invoice date doesn't show but in the body it does. What I don't understand is that both templates use the same line to show the date ({dateFormat date=$order->invoice_date full=0}) any ideas of what it could be? 


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Hello @javiidoce,

To display the date in the invoice header, please modify the code in the file located at:

Original Code: 
{if isset($header) && $header == 'Invoice'}
    <td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$date|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>

Updated Code: 
{if isset($header) && $header == 'Invoice'}
    <td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$date|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>
    <td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$date|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>

Result Reference: https://prnt.sc/JsF4f9yPO6eU

After making this change, please clear the cache to see the updates.

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  On 5/17/2024 at 4:37 PM, WebDesk Solution said:

Hello @javiidoce,

To display the date in the invoice header, please modify the code in the file located at:

Original Code: 
{if isset($header) && $header == 'Invoice'}
    <td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$date|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>

Updated Code: 
{if isset($header) && $header == 'Invoice'}
    <td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$date|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>
    <td style="font-size: 14pt; color: #9E9F9E">{$date|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>

Result Reference: https://prnt.sc/JsF4f9yPO6eU

After making this change, please clear the cache to see the updates.


thx WebDesk, now it works!
I looked it up and another page i had with a lower version has this code too, so i dont know why it was like that


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