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Problem adding product combinations


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I have a code that adds combinations to a product, this is my code

private function addProductSizes($idProducto, $tallas) {
        $firstLoop = true; // Variable para verificar la primera vuelta del foreach
        foreach ($tallas as $talla) {
            $combinacion = new CombinationCore();
            $combinacion->id_product = $idProducto;
            $combinacion->reference = $talla['talla'];
            $combinacion->price = $talla['precio'];
            // Establecer otras propiedades según sea necesario
            $combinacion->minimal_quantity = 1;
            // Establecer default_on a true en la primera vuelta, false en las demás
            if ($firstLoop) {
                $combinacion->default_on = true;
                $firstLoop = false; // Cambiar la variable para que solo sea true en la primera vuelta
            } else {
                $combinacion->default_on = false;
            // Guardar la combinación
            if ($combinacion->add()) {
                echo "Combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']} añadida exitosamente.\n";
            } else {
                echo "Error al añadir la combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']}.\n";

but when I go to the backoffice to see the combinations it stays loading (see picture 1)



and when I go to see the database I think is all OK,The combinations I am adding are the last three



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Make sure that the product ($idProducto) exists.

Ensure that the attributes ($talla['talla'] and $talla['precio']) exist and are correctly defined.

Link the Combination with Attributes:

The CombinationCore object should be linked with the appropriate attributes. If you are only setting the reference and price, the combination may not be fully defined. You need to add attributes to the combination.

Stock Management:

Make sure you are managing the stock properly by setting the quantity for each combination.

Here's an improved version of your code that includes linking the combination to attributes and managing stock:


private function addProductSizes($idProducto, $tallas) {
    $firstLoop = true; // Variable para verificar la primera vuelta del foreach

    foreach ($tallas as $talla) {
        $combinacion = new Combination();
        $combinacion->id_product = $idProducto;
        $combinacion->reference = $talla['talla'];
        $combinacion->price = $talla['precio'];
        $combinacion->minimal_quantity = 1;

        // Establecer default_on a true en la primera vuelta, false en las demás
        if ($firstLoop) {
            $combinacion->default_on = true;
            $firstLoop = false; // Cambiar la variable para que solo sea true en la primera vuelta
        } else {
            $combinacion->default_on = false;

        // Guardar la combinación
        if ($combinacion->add()) {
            // Añadir atributos a la combinación
            $attribute_ids = []; // Obtener los ID de los atributos necesarios
            $attribute_group_id = 1; // ID del grupo de atributos (por ejemplo, 'Talla')

            // Buscar o crear el atributo
            $attribute = Attribute::getAttributes($combinacion->id_product, $talla['talla']);
            if (empty($attribute)) {
                $attribute = new Attribute();
                $attribute->id_attribute_group = $attribute_group_id;
                $attribute->name = $talla['talla'];

            $attribute_ids[] = $attribute->id;

            // Asociar los atributos a la combinación

            // Administrar stock
            StockAvailable::setQuantity($idProducto, $combinacion->id, $talla['cantidad']);

            echo "Combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']} añadida exitosamente.\n";
        } else {
            echo "Error al añadir la combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']}.\n";

The code now includes a way to link the combination to specific attributes.

Ensures that stock quantities are set for each combination.

Make sure to use the correct Combination class.

Common Issues:

If the attributes are not correctly created or associated, the combinations won't function properly.

Database Inconsistencies: If there are inconsistencies in the database, it could cause loading issues in the back office.

Additional Debugging:

Log Errors: Log any errors to a file to better understand any issues that occur during the combination creation process.

Check Back Office Logs: Look at the PrestaShop logs to identify any errors that might be causing the back office to hang.

This should help resolve the issue and allow combinations to load correctly in the back office.

Good day

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5 hours ago, PrestaServicePro said:

Make sure that the product ($idProducto) exists.

Ensure that the attributes ($talla['talla'] and $talla['precio']) exist and are correctly defined.

Link the Combination with Attributes:

The CombinationCore object should be linked with the appropriate attributes. If you are only setting the reference and price, the combination may not be fully defined. You need to add attributes to the combination.

Stock Management:

Make sure you are managing the stock properly by setting the quantity for each combination.

Here's an improved version of your code that includes linking the combination to attributes and managing stock:


private function addProductSizes($idProducto, $tallas) {
    $firstLoop = true; // Variable para verificar la primera vuelta del foreach

    foreach ($tallas as $talla) {
        $combinacion = new Combination();
        $combinacion->id_product = $idProducto;
        $combinacion->reference = $talla['talla'];
        $combinacion->price = $talla['precio'];
        $combinacion->minimal_quantity = 1;

        // Establecer default_on a true en la primera vuelta, false en las demás
        if ($firstLoop) {
            $combinacion->default_on = true;
            $firstLoop = false; // Cambiar la variable para que solo sea true en la primera vuelta
        } else {
            $combinacion->default_on = false;

        // Guardar la combinación
        if ($combinacion->add()) {
            // Añadir atributos a la combinación
            $attribute_ids = []; // Obtener los ID de los atributos necesarios
            $attribute_group_id = 1; // ID del grupo de atributos (por ejemplo, 'Talla')

            // Buscar o crear el atributo
            $attribute = Attribute::getAttributes($combinacion->id_product, $talla['talla']);
            if (empty($attribute)) {
                $attribute = new Attribute();
                $attribute->id_attribute_group = $attribute_group_id;
                $attribute->name = $talla['talla'];

            $attribute_ids[] = $attribute->id;

            // Asociar los atributos a la combinación

            // Administrar stock
            StockAvailable::setQuantity($idProducto, $combinacion->id, $talla['cantidad']);

            echo "Combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']} añadida exitosamente.\n";
        } else {
            echo "Error al añadir la combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']}.\n";

The code now includes a way to link the combination to specific attributes.

Ensures that stock quantities are set for each combination.

Make sure to use the correct Combination class.

Common Issues:

If the attributes are not correctly created or associated, the combinations won't function properly.

Database Inconsistencies: If there are inconsistencies in the database, it could cause loading issues in the back office.

Additional Debugging:

Log Errors: Log any errors to a file to better understand any issues that occur during the combination creation process.

Check Back Office Logs: Look at the PrestaShop logs to identify any errors that might be causing the back office to hang.

This should help resolve the issue and allow combinations to load correctly in the back office.

Good day

Thanks for your reply,

It returns an error saying that the group_type property is empty

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19 minutes ago, nandosendraa said:

Thanks for your reply,

It returns an error saying that the group_type property is empty

If the attribute group (e.g., "Size") does not exist, create it.

Ensure the Attributes Exist:

For each combination, ensure that the required attribute exists or create it if it does not.

Here’s the updated code to address these issues:


private function addProductSizes($idProducto, $tallas) {
    $firstLoop = true; // Variable para verificar la primera vuelta del foreach

    // Ensure the attribute group exists
    $attributeGroupName = 'Size';
    $attributeGroupId = AttributeGroup::getIdByName($attributeGroupName);

    if (!$attributeGroupId) {
        $attributeGroup = new AttributeGroup();
        $attributeGroup->is_color_group = false;
        $attributeGroup->group_type = 'select';
        $attributeGroup->name = [$this->context->language->id => $attributeGroupName];
        $attributeGroup->public_name = [$this->context->language->id => $attributeGroupName];
        if ($attributeGroup->add()) {
            $attributeGroupId = $attributeGroup->id;
        } else {
            echo "Error al crear el grupo de atributos '{$attributeGroupName}'.\n";

    foreach ($tallas as $talla) {
        $combinacion = new Combination();
        $combinacion->id_product = $idProducto;
        $combinacion->reference = $talla['talla'];
        $combinacion->price = $talla['precio'];
        $combinacion->minimal_quantity = 1;

        // Establecer default_on a true en la primera vuelta, false en las demás
        if ($firstLoop) {
            $combinacion->default_on = true;
            $firstLoop = false; // Cambiar la variable para que solo sea true en la primera vuelta
        } else {
            $combinacion->default_on = false;

        // Guardar la combinación
        if ($combinacion->add()) {
            // Ensure the attribute exists
            $attributeName = $talla['talla'];
            $attributeId = Attribute::getAttributeIdByName($attributeGroupId, $attributeName);

            if (!$attributeId) {
                $attribute = new Attribute();
                $attribute->id_attribute_group = $attributeGroupId;
                $attribute->name = [$this->context->language->id => $attributeName];
                if ($attribute->add()) {
                    $attributeId = $attribute->id;
                } else {
                    echo "Error al crear el atributo '{$attributeName}'.\n";

            // Asociar el atributo a la combinación

            // Administrar stock
            StockAvailable::setQuantity($idProducto, $combinacion->id, $talla['cantidad']);

            echo "Combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']} añadida exitosamente.\n";
        } else {
            echo "Error al añadir la combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']}.\n";

Ensure that the language ID is correctly set for attribute names. This example uses $this->context->language->id.

Added basic error handling to provide feedback if attribute groups or attributes cannot be created.

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16 hours ago, PrestaServicePro said:

If the attribute group (e.g., "Size") does not exist, create it.

Ensure the Attributes Exist:

For each combination, ensure that the required attribute exists or create it if it does not.

Here’s the updated code to address these issues:


private function addProductSizes($idProducto, $tallas) {
    $firstLoop = true; // Variable para verificar la primera vuelta del foreach

    // Ensure the attribute group exists
    $attributeGroupName = 'Size';
    $attributeGroupId = AttributeGroup::getIdByName($attributeGroupName);

    if (!$attributeGroupId) {
        $attributeGroup = new AttributeGroup();
        $attributeGroup->is_color_group = false;
        $attributeGroup->group_type = 'select';
        $attributeGroup->name = [$this->context->language->id => $attributeGroupName];
        $attributeGroup->public_name = [$this->context->language->id => $attributeGroupName];
        if ($attributeGroup->add()) {
            $attributeGroupId = $attributeGroup->id;
        } else {
            echo "Error al crear el grupo de atributos '{$attributeGroupName}'.\n";

    foreach ($tallas as $talla) {
        $combinacion = new Combination();
        $combinacion->id_product = $idProducto;
        $combinacion->reference = $talla['talla'];
        $combinacion->price = $talla['precio'];
        $combinacion->minimal_quantity = 1;

        // Establecer default_on a true en la primera vuelta, false en las demás
        if ($firstLoop) {
            $combinacion->default_on = true;
            $firstLoop = false; // Cambiar la variable para que solo sea true en la primera vuelta
        } else {
            $combinacion->default_on = false;

        // Guardar la combinación
        if ($combinacion->add()) {
            // Ensure the attribute exists
            $attributeName = $talla['talla'];
            $attributeId = Attribute::getAttributeIdByName($attributeGroupId, $attributeName);

            if (!$attributeId) {
                $attribute = new Attribute();
                $attribute->id_attribute_group = $attributeGroupId;
                $attribute->name = [$this->context->language->id => $attributeName];
                if ($attribute->add()) {
                    $attributeId = $attribute->id;
                } else {
                    echo "Error al crear el atributo '{$attributeName}'.\n";

            // Asociar el atributo a la combinación

            // Administrar stock
            StockAvailable::setQuantity($idProducto, $combinacion->id, $talla['cantidad']);

            echo "Combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']} añadida exitosamente.\n";
        } else {
            echo "Error al añadir la combinación para la talla {$talla['talla']}.\n";

Ensure that the language ID is correctly set for attribute names. This example uses $this->context->language->id.

Added basic error handling to provide feedback if attribute groups or attributes cannot be created.

the function getIdByName not exists in AttributeGroup.php file and the object Attribute not exists

I used your code to modify it for add colors combinations and sizes combinations

private function addProductCombinations($idProducto, $tallasYColores) {
        $firstLoop = true; // Variable para verificar la primera vuelta del foreach
        // Obtener el id_lang del contexto actual
        $idLang = $this->context->language->id;
        // Ensure the attribute group for sizes exists
        $attributeGroupNameSize = 'Size';
        $attributeGroupIdSize = AttributeGroup::getIdByName($attributeGroupNameSize);
        if (!$attributeGroupIdSize) {
            $attributeGroupSize = new AttributeGroup();
            $attributeGroupSize->is_color_group = false;
            $attributeGroupSize->group_type = 'select';
            $attributeGroupSize->name = [$idLang => $attributeGroupNameSize];
            $attributeGroupSize->public_name = [$idLang => $attributeGroupNameSize];
            if ($attributeGroupSize->add()) {
                $attributeGroupIdSize = $attributeGroupSize->id;
            } else {
                echo "Error al crear el grupo de atributos '{$attributeGroupNameSize}'.\n";
        // Ensure the attribute group for colors exists
        $attributeGroupNameColor = 'Color';
        $attributeGroupIdColor = AttributeGroup::getIdByName($attributeGroupNameColor);
        if (!$attributeGroupIdColor) {
            $attributeGroupColor = new AttributeGroup();
            $attributeGroupColor->is_color_group = true;
            $attributeGroupColor->group_type = 'color';
            $attributeGroupColor->name = [$idLang => $attributeGroupNameColor];
            $attributeGroupColor->public_name = [$idLang => $attributeGroupNameColor];
            if ($attributeGroupColor->add()) {
                $attributeGroupIdColor = $attributeGroupColor->id;
            } else {
                echo "Error al crear el grupo de atributos '{$attributeGroupNameColor}'.\n";
        foreach ($tallasYColores as $item) {
            $combinacion = new Combination();
            $combinacion->id_product = $idProducto;
            $combinacion->reference = $item['talla'] . '-' . $item['color'];
            $combinacion->price = $item['precio'];
            $combinacion->minimal_quantity = 1;
            // Establecer default_on a true en la primera vuelta, false en las demás
            if ($firstLoop) {
                $combinacion->default_on = true;
                $firstLoop = false; // Cambiar la variable para que solo sea true en la primera vuelta
            } else {
                $combinacion->default_on = false;
            // Guardar la combinación
            if ($combinacion->add()) {
                // Ensure the size attribute exists
                $attributeNameSize = $item['talla'];
                $attributeIdSize = Attribute::getAttributeIdByName($attributeGroupIdSize, $attributeNameSize);
                if (!$attributeIdSize) {
                    $attributeSize = new Attribute();
                    $attributeSize->id_attribute_group = $attributeGroupIdSize;
                    $attributeSize->name = [$idLang => $attributeNameSize];
                    if ($attributeSize->add()) {
                        $attributeIdSize = $attributeSize->id;
                    } else {
                        echo "Error al crear el atributo '{$attributeNameSize}'.\n";
                // Ensure the color attribute exists
                $attributeNameColor = $item['color'];
                $attributeIdColor = Attribute::getAttributeIdByName($attributeGroupIdColor, $attributeNameColor);
                if (!$attributeIdColor) {
                    $attributeColor = new Attribute();
                    $attributeColor->id_attribute_group = $attributeGroupIdColor;
                    $attributeColor->name = [$idLang => $attributeNameColor];
                    if ($attributeColor->add()) {
                        $attributeIdColor = $attributeColor->id;
                    } else {
                        echo "Error al crear el atributo '{$attributeNameColor}'.\n";
                // Asociar los atributos (talla y color) a la combinación
                $combinacion->setAttributes([$attributeIdSize, $attributeIdColor]);
                // Administrar stock
                StockAvailable::setQuantity($idProducto, $combinacion->id, $item['cantidad']);
                echo "Combinación para la talla {$item['talla']} y color {$item['color']} añadida exitosamente.\n";
            } else {
                echo "Error al añadir la combinación para la talla {$item['talla']} y color {$item['color']}.\n";


Edited by nandosendraa (see edit history)
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