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Module for prices discount

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I need a module that will display specific prices for specific customers based on product category.

To be more specific, I have B2B clients that have specific discounts for diferent products that we have.

So I would need to offer a client 45% discount on some product categories, 50% on other product categories, 35% on other categories, etc.

If Prestashop is doing this native it would be better but I didn't discovered that option yet.

Thank you !

Edited by 996179_1508427907 (see edit history)
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Catalog Price Rules

Catalog price rules enable you to assign price reductions by category, brand, supplier, attribute or feature. As its name implies, this type of rules applies to a range of products; it cannot be used for a single product. If you need a discount applied to a single product, you must create a cart rule instead or create a specific price (in the "Pricing" tab of the product's edition page).

For instance, you can set a rule that would say that for Spanish customers belonging to the "Good clients" group would get 10% off on your electronics category and all Sony products for the first week of July.

The "Catalog price rules" page lists the currently existing rules, which you can edit or delete by clicking on the action buttons. If you need to disable a rule, simply change its end date to the day before.

Creating a new catalog price rule

The creation form page has two sections, enabling you to precisely build new rules.

Catalog price rules

The first form is easy to understand.


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