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Hello very honourable comrades :)
I've read many forum threads, many search engine results, but can't find a solution! From all the synthesized information, I understand that ajax collects information about the availability of products with combinations. Someone please guide me, how with php can I extract a list in (standalone external file) which php script show me only ID or Ref# of products and which currently have 0 quantity in any of their sale attributes ? 

I tried to achieve this process through API, but somewhere my knowledge falls short and I can't pull out the availability.


// API URL for products
$url_products = 'https://example.com/api/products/?display=[id,reference,name,active]&output_format=JSON';

// API Key
$api_key = 'fullaccess';

// Initialize cURL for products
$ch_products = curl_init($url_products);

// Set cURL options for products
curl_setopt($ch_products, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch_products, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':')

// Execute cURL request for products
$response_products = curl_exec($ch_products);

// Check for cURL errors for products
if(curl_errno($ch_products)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch_products);
} else {
    // Decode JSON response for products
    $data_products = json_decode($response_products, true);
    // Check if there are any products returned
    if(isset($data_products['products'])) {
        // Loop through products
        foreach($data_products['products'] as $product) {
            // Check if product is active
            if($product['active']) {
                // Extract product names from nested array of objects
                $product_names = array_column($product['name'], 'value');
                // Combine product names into a single string
                $product_name = implode(', ', $product_names);
                // Output product ID, Ref, and Name
                echo "ID: " . $product['id'] . ", Ref: " . $product['reference'] . ", Name: " . $product_name . "<br>";
                // API URL for product combinations
                $url_combinations = 'https://example.com/api/combinations/?display=[reference,quantity]&filter[id_product]=' . $product['id'] . '&output_format=JSON';
                // Initialize cURL for product combinations
                $ch_combinations = curl_init($url_combinations);
                // Set cURL options for product combinations
                curl_setopt($ch_combinations, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                curl_setopt($ch_combinations, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
                    'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':')
                // Execute cURL request for product combinations
                $response_combinations = curl_exec($ch_combinations);
                // Check for cURL errors for product combinations
                if(curl_errno($ch_combinations)) {
                    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch_combinations);
                } else {
                    // Decode JSON response for product combinations
                    $data_combinations = json_decode($response_combinations, true);
                    // Check if there are any combinations returned
                    if(isset($data_combinations)) {
                        // Loop through combinations and output reference and quantity
                        foreach($data_combinations as $combination) {
                            // Check if 'reference' and 'quantity' keys exist in the combination
                            if(isset($combination['reference']) && isset($combination['quantity'])) {
                                // Output reference
                                echo "Size Ref: " . $combination['reference'] . ", ";
                                // Output quantity attributes and their quantities
                                foreach($combination['quantity'] as $attribute => $quantity) {
                                    echo $attribute . ": " . $quantity . " броя, ";
                            } else {
                                echo "No combinations found for this product.";
                            // Add a line break
                            echo "<br>";
                    } else {
                        echo "No combinations found for this product.";
                // Close cURL session for product combinations
                // Add a line break for better readability
                echo "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "No products found.";

// Close cURL session for products

For me, it's irrelevant whether I get the list via the API protocol or with programming code that directly messes with mysql and outputs the information. I just want to see that on product ID100, there are 0 quantity per size M and 0 quantity per size XXXL

Thank you for your time and attention. 

Best regards



Hello very honourable comrades :)
I've read many forum threads, many search engine results, but can't find a solution! From all the synthesized information, I understand that ajax collects information about the availability of products with combinations. Someone please guide me, how with php can I extract a list in (standalone external file) which php script show me only ID or Ref# of products and which currently have 0 quantity in any of their sale attributes ? 

I tried to achieve this process through API, but somewhere my knowledge falls short and I can't pull out the availability.


// API URL for products
$url_products = 'https://example.com/api/products/?display=[id,reference,name,active]&output_format=JSON';

// API Key
$api_key = 'fullaccess';

// Initialize cURL for products
$ch_products = curl_init($url_products);

// Set cURL options for products
curl_setopt($ch_products, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch_products, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':')

// Execute cURL request for products
$response_products = curl_exec($ch_products);

// Check for cURL errors for products
if(curl_errno($ch_products)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch_products);
} else {
    // Decode JSON response for products
    $data_products = json_decode($response_products, true);
    // Check if there are any products returned
    if(isset($data_products['products'])) {
        // Loop through products
        foreach($data_products['products'] as $product) {
            // Check if product is active
            if($product['active']) {
                // Extract product names from nested array of objects
                $product_names = array_column($product['name'], 'value');
                // Combine product names into a single string
                $product_name = implode(', ', $product_names);
                // Output product ID, Ref, and Name
                echo "ID: " . $product['id'] . ", Ref: " . $product['reference'] . ", Name: " . $product_name . "<br>";
                // API URL for product combinations
                $url_combinations = 'https://example.com/api/combinations/?display=[reference,quantity]&filter[id_product]=' . $product['id'] . '&output_format=JSON';
                // Initialize cURL for product combinations
                $ch_combinations = curl_init($url_combinations);
                // Set cURL options for product combinations
                curl_setopt($ch_combinations, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                curl_setopt($ch_combinations, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
                    'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':')
                // Execute cURL request for product combinations
                $response_combinations = curl_exec($ch_combinations);
                // Check for cURL errors for product combinations
                if(curl_errno($ch_combinations)) {
                    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch_combinations);
                } else {
                    // Decode JSON response for product combinations
                    $data_combinations = json_decode($response_combinations, true);
                    // Check if there are any combinations returned
                    if(isset($data_combinations)) {
                        // Loop through combinations and output reference and quantity
                        foreach($data_combinations as $combination) {
                            // Check if 'reference' and 'quantity' keys exist in the combination
                            if(isset($combination['reference']) && isset($combination['quantity'])) {
                                // Output reference
                                echo "Size Ref: " . $combination['reference'] . ", ";
                                // Output quantity attributes and their quantities
                                foreach($combination['quantity'] as $attribute => $quantity) {
                                    echo $attribute . ": " . $quantity . " броя, ";
                            } else {
                                echo "No combinations found for this product.";
                            // Add a line break
                            echo "<br>";
                    } else {
                        echo "No combinations found for this product.";
                // Close cURL session for product combinations
                // Add a line break for better readability
                echo "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "No products found.";

// Close cURL session for products

For me, it's irrelevant whether I get the list via the API protocol or with programming code that directly messes with mysql and outputs the information. I just want to see that on product ID100, there are 0 quantity per size M and 0 quantity per size XXXL

Thank you for your time and attention. 

Best regards

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