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Empty shopping carts


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I'm having an issue with shopping carts, presta Is not that critical, however.

It seems like everytime visitor enters site (not logging in, just entering site) presta creates empty shopping cart.

so far it make over 1k carts a day.

I saw on github was simillar issue, only with logged in users, no silution so far.


BUT, is there a way to delete empty carts from phpMyadmin?? Like, delete cart if if not connected to customer ID and has inside 0 products?


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Hi there,

IMHO it has something to do with express checkout being activated. Anyway I have the same problem when express checkout is on, and when I disable it, no more empty carts.

To enable/disable it, go into your shop parameters (you must see "index.php/configure/shop/order-preferences/" in your adress bar).

I hope this will help you.

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