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Catalog - Productlist (SOLVED)

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I need your help! Im on Prestashop 8.1.2
On the page with all the products I'm trying to change the number of product colums and I can't 😃 My brain bugs
I removed the left block with the categories and filters and I want to adjust the number of product colums.

Here's the produclist.tpl file that goes to ( templates/catalog/_partials )

I've tried a lot of modifications and I don't understand why it doesn't change. 


{capture assign="productClasses"}{if !empty($productClass)}{$productClass}{else}col-xs-6 col-xl-4{/if}{/capture}

<div class="products{if !empty($cssClass)} {$cssClass}{/if}" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList">
    {foreach from=$products item="product" key="position"}
        {include file="catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl" product=$product position=$position productClasses=$productClasses}



Edited by RMK_Code (see edit history)
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  • RMK_Code changed the title to Catalog - Productlist (SOLVED)

I had a module that had this css.that didn't allow me to see the changes.

#js-product-list .product {
  padding-left: 15px;
  padding-right: 15px;
  width: 33.33%;


After deleting this piece of css everything is fine, my initial code is correct.


{capture assign="productClasses"}{if !empty($productClass)}{$productClass}{else}col-xs-6 col-xl-4{/if}{/capture}

<div class="products{if !empty($cssClass)} {$cssClass}{/if}" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList">
    {foreach from=$products item="product" key="position"}
        {include file="catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl" product=$product position=$position productClasses=$productClasses}


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