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Dependent options addons?


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Does prestashop have any addons available that will do 'conditional' interdependent options. i.e. we have products with highly customizable options. For example, you can have imprinting, but some colors don't work well on various colored materials. (black imprint on a black fabric for example, or white imprint on a white leather, etc) If someone chooses a dark fabric, I want need options under imprint color to vanish. Similarly if you choose a image opening at one step, imprint position cannot be in the same location as the opening. Some materials might not even allow an image opening at all. etc.

With still other options, we may need to add an entirely new option group.  Products with an upgrade to use two materials, for example are going to have a material and color option and an 'additional material' and 'additional color' option similar to the first.  In still more cases, an entire list of options may appear. (select 'branding yes' and you get an option to upload a branding image, or just fill in text. Choose fill in text, you choose font type, size and color, and one lines or two. If two, a second text box has to appear. etc)

Our existing website uses customized code that was built over time and to get it to work on the platform, it ended up 'breaking' the ability to upgrade the platform itself. I'm hoping that I can find a pre-existing tool that might suit our needs even if not as specific to our needs so we can cut down the need for IT resources to keep both it and any platform it is connected to up-to-date.

If anyone knows of such an addon and can direct me to it, it would be greatly appreciated. I found one available on opencart but find some of it's proprietary innards problematic for developing addons on top of it. Magento also has some but magento is too bloated.

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The set of combinations you offer can be specified very specifically with the combined attributes you want have available -eg. you define combination: color white & black fiber and you would not define any combination: color white with white fabric / is your use case different?

Edited by QuickUpdate.net (see edit history)
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On 4/4/2024 at 9:55 PM, QuickUpdate.net said:

The set of combinations you offer can be specified very specifically with the combined attributes you want have available -eg. you define combination: color white & black fiber and you would not define any combination: color white with white fabric / is your use case different?

I just gave examples. Options exist across many products that interfere with or enable other options. e.g. request an upgrade for an opening in a cover, and the position for imprinting 'center front' goes away. Select a dark colored material and dark color imprint inks go away. Select a non-imprintable material and the entire imprint option group goes away.  Select a particular type of paper and we can offer guilding on the edges. Select matting as opposed to simple print pages and we can add a bevel on the cut-out openings or put a decorative groove around those openings.  Select a right-start book, and additional options can be added to put an inscription or log inside the front or back cover.  Select a metal cover and we can either photo etch it or add custom engraved text.  Select an acrylic cover and we can do photo etching or add etched text. On smaller books, certain cover options go away entirely due to the small size not having enough space for things like etching or cutouts.  Select a two-material cover and a new 'additional material' and addition color option have to be added. Select a three-material cover, and a third material/cover combination needs to be included. Select any multi-material and the manner (style) in which the materials are inter-leaved has to be selected.

I could list many more examples, but the point is that depending on the product and what options a customer wants, there can be many combinations and not all of them use all of the available options whenever one or more options interfere or are otherwise not possible.  We don't want to have dozens of different product-definitions for the various product upgrades and options. e.g. 'acryllic cover' vs 'material cover' vs 'material cover with opening' vs 'two-material cover' etc. etc. etc.
We would prefer to have a single, versatile order form that would show the necessary options based on prior selections.  I know this is a tall order for a pre-built tool, but I already know of and have strategies how to deal with this if I can find 'any' addon that allows one option to be dependant on another and/or one list of select options to be dependent on other option values.

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