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Prestashop v.8.1.5

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Fresh install and made test order and if you mark order shipped and debug mode is on I will get this error:

An unexpected error occurred. [PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Exception\CoreException code 0]: Warning: Undefined property: Order::$shipping_number


Server information: Linux #1 SMP Wed Nov 15 10:55:18 -00 2023 x86_64
Server software version: Apache / ZoneOS
PHP version: 8.1.27
Memory limit: 1024M
Max execution time: 30
Upload Max File size: 2047M


Anyone can help me how to fix it?

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Iam getting this also after update from 8.1.4 to 8.1.5.
[PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Exception\CoreException kood 0]: Warning: Undefined property: Order::$shipping_number

This appears when I change status for order in orders. It changes status put shows this error. 

did you find solution for it?


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@ReneSoh that property is deprecated (per the change log):

#   v8.0-beta.1 - (2022-08-08)
    - #26685: [BC Break] Remove Order::$shipping_number (by @PierreRambaud)


Maybe a module needs updating?

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