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[Solved] Carrier Bug V1.4.1.0 ??

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I'm new at this so please forgive me if I'm asking in the wrong spot.

I don't know if any one else is having this happen to them. I'm setting up my carriers and when I go to them here: Back Office >Shipping >Carriers
They are in order by ID # if I select to edit the carrier it takes me to that carrier page. If I click save the carrier ID # increases to the next highest ID #. example: Edit ID #1 (UPS) don't make any changes just select "save" it becomes ID #9
None of the other tabs in Office >Shipping have this problem, but when testing to see if others had the same problem (none of them did, they all keep there ID #) under Back Office >Shipping >Countries and try to edit the countries I get "An error occurred while updating object. country (Unknown column 'display_tax_label' in 'field list') "


Edit: For the ID changing found that this is normal? (http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-1202) and for the error message I reinstalled and not having any errors.

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I have the same problem, I can't change country zones (An error occurred while updating object. country (Unknown column 'display_tax_label' in 'field list'))
just updated to the last version 1.4.3 and the problem still exists. Maybe i am missing display_tax_label field in the database, but i don't understand enough and i don't know if it can be manually added and how.
Please help.

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