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internal server error

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I have a Fresh install of Prestashop on CentOS 5.5 with ISPCP Omega 1.0.6 on a Virtual Machine, and I keep receiving a white page stating "An internal server error occurred. Please try again later."

I have also Tested Prestashop on Ubuntu Server 10.10 with ISPCP Omega 1.0.7 VM and i get the same message..

I have Tried on Ubuntu Server 10.10 with Web-min and Receive the same message.

I also Have tried separating the Database on 1 VM and prestashop cart on another VM but that didn't make a difference still got the same error message.

any suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having the same issue..

I have a host OS with Ubuntu 10.04 with VM ware. I have installed Centos 5.5 with ISPCP Omega 1.0.6 and I get the Same Message of "Internal Server Error"

I have also Tried to Split up the site and database on two different servers. and I still get the same messgae internal server error..

I have also Tested
Ubuntu 10.10 with WEBMEN
Ubuntu 10.10 with icpConfig

and every Distro gives the Same message "Internal Server error. as you import products into the database.

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