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Help me to Export Orders with Images and Upload Products

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I'm looking for 2 different addons/solutions, any advice will be appreciated:

  1. I wold like to export my orders in an xls (spreadsheet) with the info of product: name, customization, image (maybe first one, or..), address, etc. Now i'm doing all manually, copy-paste ( name of product, customization, photo, address ).
  2. In the other hand I'm looking to easily upload products, I use to duplicate my product templates for the different kind of products and change the info description/url/price and upload the photos etc manually. Any addon or better way to do that?

Thank you :)

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1. if the order has several products, each product will be written on a new line including information about the order and the customer.

If you already have some XLS, it is a good idea to make at least a screenshot of one line, what you have there and request to export with the module.

2. it is not understood

A specific case(s) is required


If you are asking for something, you need to give all the information, don't use ... or etc.
It is clear that such a module does not exist and it is solved by a request for an order. There are order export modules, but none will do exactly what you need.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We recommend you this module, which can quickly export CSV file data, and then use PrestaShop's own import system to directly import the above-exported CSV file.

Advanced CSV Export For 9-in-1(Product-Category etc)



In addition: PrestaShop has built-in powerful CSV export rules. You can contact us to customize the export service.
Here is a video demonstration.


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