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Missing hook actionSubmitAccountBefore on the page /order


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I guess that hook actionSubmitAccountBefore should be available on the page /order, the same way as is on the page /registration.

I found a module that checks user First Name and Surname before registration and block spam account creation. This module uses hook actionSubmitAccountBefore and perfectly works on the /registration page and fails on the /order page.

I check I can attach this module to hook actionCustomerAccountAdd but it's to late (account is already created when the hook is called).

I tried to use the hook alias actionBeforeSubmitAccount but it does not work too.

My prestashop is 8.1.3.

And my public functions:

public function hookActionSubmitAccountBefore()


if ( $this->checkAllConditions() === false ) {

return false;

} else {

return true;




public function hookActionBeforeSubmitAccount()


if ( $this->checkAllConditions() === false ) {

return false;

} else {

return true;



How should I check if really hook actionSubmitAccountBefore is missing on the /order page?

Maybe this hook does not return errors on the /order page?

Maybe I should use another hook?

Thanks for help


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