I figured this out. It is not documented very well, if at all. At this time, I only care about collecting tax for the state I live in on any sales made that are shipped in the state. Because of 50 different tax levels (50 states), It will be unlikely we will ever reach the economic nexus in any state so we will cross that bridge when we get there. Most states have a $100k threshold and we are really a small niche player in our market to it is very doubtful we will ever get there in all 50 states. If that happens, I would be ecstatic and happily address it then!
SO, to make this work, in each products pricing tab, the TAX RULE box needs to be set for the rule for my state. Then when a customer from my state buys the product, they are charged tax. If a customer from another state buys it, they are not taxed.
But we have around 2500 products and manually changing the Tax Rule for each would be a monumental task. So I went to the database in phpmyadmin and ran 2 SQL tasks on ps_products and ps_products_shop that set the field id_tax_rules_group to the value of the appropriate rule. It needs to be done in both tables otherwise it will not fully change the pricing in the product.
I found the answer in this forum in this post, among some others, but this one put it clearly. There were a number of others looking for the same solution.
It took me about 2 days of searching to find the solution as it is not at all well documented in the Prestashop docs. So, my thanks to all that put forth posts that lead to resolving my problem!