I moved my site from one server to another server. Copied the files, checked file ownership, checked file permissions, imported the old database with zero errors.
I can see the front end which is in maintenance mode at the moment, however cannot see the backend as I get the http 500 error above.
I am now running in an staging environment so the live shop can carry on whilst i get help figuring this problem out. I have updated the base URLS in the staging DB. Note that I have succesfully moved 3 other presta sites without any issues and they are all running well.
Prestashop PHP 7.3
in var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php (line 606)
appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator->generate('admin_security', array(), 1)in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Router.php (line 240)
Router->generate('admin_security', array(), 1)in src/PrestaShopBundle/Service/Routing/Router.php (line 67)
// Do not generate token each time we want to generate a route for a user
if (!isset($this->tokens[$username])) {
$this->tokens[$username] = $this->tokenManager->getToken($username)->getValue();
$url = parent::generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType);
return self::generateTokenizedUrl($url, $this->tokens[$username]);
public function setTokenManager(CsrfTokenManager $tokenManager)
Router->generate('admin_security')in classes/Link.php (line 881)
LinkCore->getTabLink(array('id_tab' => '351', 'id_parent' => '350', 'position' => '1', 'module' => '', 'class_name' => 'AdminSecurity', 'route_name' => 'admin_security', 'active' => '1', 'enabled' => '1', 'icon' => null, 'wording' => 'Security', 'wording_domain' => 'Admin.Navigation.Menu', 'name' => 'Security'))in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2126)
AdminControllerCore->getTabs('350', 3)in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2127)
AdminControllerCore->getTabs('103', 2)in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2127)
AdminControllerCore->getTabs('80', 1)in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2127)
AdminControllerCore->getTabs()in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2002)
AdminControllerCore->initHeader()in classes/controller/Controller.php (line 302)
ControllerCore->run()in classes/Dispatcher.php (line 525)
DispatcherCore->dispatch()in AdminURL/Admin/index.php (line 93)
Any assistance would be greatly appriciated!