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[SOLVED] Why date format is inverted in Prestashop?

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I wondering why my Prestashop date format looks like this:

2011-05-09 instead 09-05-2011 (Brazilian format) or even 05-09-2011 (USA Format)

I need to fix this. I searched all the tabs in BO and found nothing. Can someone tell me where is this configuration setup?

Thanks in advance.


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If your iso country code for brazil is : "br", you can change the display date in the /classes/Tools.php classe, like this :

   public static function displayDate($date, $id_lang, $full = false, $separator='-')
        if (!$date OR !strtotime($date))
            return $date;
       if (!Validate::isDate($date) OR !Validate::isBool($full))
           die (self::displayError('Invalid date'));
        $tmpTab = explode($separator, substr($date, 0, 10));
        $hour = ' '.substr($date, -8);

       $language = Language::getLanguage((int)($id_lang));
        if ($language AND strtolower($language['iso_code']) == 'fr')
            return ($tmpTab[2].'-'.$tmpTab[1].'-'.$tmpTab[0].($full ? $hour : ''));
            return ($tmpTab[0].'-'.$tmpTab[1].'-'.$tmpTab[2].($full ? $hour : ''));

to :

   public static function displayDate($date, $id_lang, $full = false, $separator='-')
        if (!$date OR !strtotime($date))
            return $date;
       if (!Validate::isDate($date) OR !Validate::isBool($full))
           die (self::displayError('Invalid date'));
        $tmpTab = explode($separator, substr($date, 0, 10));
        $hour = ' '.substr($date, -8);

       $language = Language::getLanguage((int)($id_lang));
        if ($language AND strtolower($language['iso_code']) == 'fr')
            return ($tmpTab[2].'-'.$tmpTab[1].'-'.$tmpTab[0].($full ? $hour : ''));
        elseif ($language AND strtolower($language['iso_code']) == 'br')
            return ($tmpTab[1].'-'.$tmpTab[2].'-'.$tmpTab[0].($full ? $hour : ''));
            return ($tmpTab[0].'-'.$tmpTab[1].'-'.$tmpTab[2].($full ? $hour : ''));

I've no tested.


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