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How to change shop name in prestashop


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I tried to change the shop name in prestashop but it didn't and did work at the same time. The shop name is now what I wanted. I just have a slight problem. When the shop sends the emails on the bottom of the email template stands the (shop_name} function. But when it sends an email it sends it as another name, not the name I want it to be. How can I change the {shop_name} in the files of the shop ?

I am running prestashop 8.1.3.

Thank you.

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Mihai, trebuie sa mergi prima data in DESIGN>TEMA EMAIL, hotarasti care tema folosesti, classic sau modern, dupa asta te duci in host la file email, a temei care ai hotarat sa o folosesti pt emailuri. Vezi ca ai 2 files, moderrn si clasic, dublu click pe modern sau clasic, acolo gasesti toate emailurile. Deschiai fiecare file per rand, il descarci, ii modifici footer emailului si il incarci din nou, eu asa am facut. Cu fiecare pe rand, ii dai sa scrie peste cel vechi cand il incarci, de fapt il rescrie in automat. Dupa ar trebui sa funczioneze.

Trebuie sa cauti filul cu emailul in tema modern, acuma am vazut ce tema folosesti. Spor!

Edited by mrctm (see edit history)
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I managed to fix this problem by searching in the database the old name. I found an old database table and changed the name, and it worked!


1: login into phpmyadmin

2. search the old name

3. replace the old name with the name you want your shop to be

4.clear the cache and regenerate the email templates.


good luck,

Mihai Ghetu.


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