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Price not appearing on my shop page on some products


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This is my shop and on some products the price is not been visible, I comproved that the products are configured correctly, and the price should been visible. (1st photo)Capturadesde2024-02-1309-16-33.thumb.png.ab83d2633d53c51671a2b39d0538cddc.png

On the template I've tried to var_dump the $product.price variable every line to see how far this variable goes (2nd photo)


But something strange happens, after the 4th dump nothing appears anymore (3rd photo)


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3 minutes ago, Prestashop Addict said:

It seems you have the show_price attribute deactivated on theses products


I have reviewed the products that do not have the price and both in the configuration that you have sent me and in the database I have this option activated, this is my template, I have also tried removing the if $product.show_price to see if it works but neither. And all products have the same configuration, the products that the price are showed and the products that are not showedCapturadesde2024-02-1312-10-54.png.7088cbffc00f0b9c33bc28244b5b1534.png

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20 minutes ago, Prestashop Addict said:

Check on modules or other templates that override the block name {block name='product_price_and_shipping'}

I have been checking and I have not found anything that is overwriting the block, the strange thing is that all the products are configured in the same way but there are some that show the price and others do not

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8 minutes ago, endriu107 said:

Issue could be generated by description short or long of those product. You can do test and remove it from product without price if it helps you need to change descriptions for all products with issue.

Yes it works, thanks!!! But I'dont understand why is this happening, Could it be because of the length of the text? The problem was in the short description, but it did not exceed the 800 characters that Prestashop allows.

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