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[find job] Prestashop Developer


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If you are looking expert in the prestashop, then you are not wrong!

All experience in the Web Development 14 years!

For 12 years I have been working only with prestashop - this gives a guarantee that it will be very difficult to find other developers with such experience!

Knowledge of all the nuances of all versions of the prestashop starting from 1.3.x.x, 1.4.x.x, 1.5.x.x, 1.6.x.x, 1.7.x.x, 8.x.x, 8.1.x gives a unique opportunity to work with a person who is a professional in prestashop

Prestashop Modules Developer. Work with Prestashop 12+ years

Since 2011, I’ve only been developing modules for prestashop. I have a lot of experience in configuring/development modules!

I only work with Prestashop versions 1.6.x.x/1.7.x.x/8.x.x. But have experience in the Prestashop 1.3.x.x/1.4.x.x/1.5.x.x

I have expertise in
Bootstrap/HTML/CSS, Smarty, WebPack
GIT (bitbucket)
Memcached, Sphinx
Create UI unit tests for Prestashop
LAMP Stack – setup and configuration of LAMP (Apache, Nginx, MySql, PHP and additional services like memcached, sphinx)
RESTful API, Websockets
Python (basic)
React.js (basic)
English Pre-Intermediate

My best modules:

1) 2019 Prestashop Award Winning: "Product, Shop Reviews, Loyalty Program, Google Snippets"
2) Best Seller "Blog PRO + Loyalty Program"
3) Top module "Social Connects 40 in 1 + Coupon for Login + Statistics"

and else 60+ modules

I am “Modules Partner Creator for Prestashop”

My Prestashop Modules: https://addons.prestashop.com/ru/249_spm


CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UmCShdItEdsr1d8v6BjCX7r5t_vO-iaMiOeB4da9qoI/edit#heading=h.ji937ic4q8zd

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sych-siarhei-4546a7220/



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