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I cannot disable catalog mode even when:

1. In database PS_CATALOG_MODE for all shops is 0
2. I've cleared cache manually in var/cache
3. Disabled cache for everything
4. Enabled "always recompile templates"
5. Finally even rebooted whole server

Yet, still when I display variable in template `{$configuration.is_catalog}` it still shows `1`.


How is that possible, and what to do now?

EDIT: Nevermind, it turned out that registered client group had disable showing prices.



I cannot disable catalog mode even when:

1. In database PS_CATALOG_MODE for all shops is 0
2. I've cleared cache manually in var/cache
3. Disabled cache for everything
4. Enabled "always recompile templates"
5. Finally even rebooted whole server

Yet, still when I display variable in template `{$configuration.is_catalog}` it still shows `1`.


How is that possible, and what to do now?

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