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Hello, hookActionAdminCustomerListingFieldsModifier could be an answer.
I'm not really sure whether in 1.7.6 is this hook for customer page, docs will say it for sure. But the principle is the same as Nishith Nesdiya's anwer here for product list:

is the hook is not present, then this could be done by overriding adminCustomerController.php,  adding all desired fields and callbacks into renderList function.



Hello, hookActionAdminCustomerListingFieldsModifier could be an answer.
I'm not really sure whether in 1.7.6 is this hook for customer page, docs will say it for sure. But the principle is the same as Nishith Nesdiya's anwer here for product list:

is the hook is not present, then this could be done by overriding adminCustomerController.php,  adding all desired fields and callbacks into renderList function.

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