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Use combination price as total, not as an impact

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We've a store that uses an old software for export their products into excels, one with main products and another one with combinations.

The problem is that, the main products, if it has combinations, it has the price of the first combination, and when we import the products, the products with combinations get prices doubled.

Before telling them to modify that and put main products with combinations price to 0, we wanted to know if there's an option, even if we've to modify a file, that if a product has combination, only use the price of the combination and ignore the main price.

So basically, instead of an impact of price, to be the actual price.


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3 minutes ago, Daresh said:

Do combinations really have price impacts or do all variants of products have the same final price?

Hello Daresh

They all have their final prices, they dont have impacts

For example, Product A, has Combination 1 at 10€, Combination 2 at 12€, and thats their price. But Product A has imported the price of Combination A as its the first combination. So Product A hast 10€, and it ends with the combinations being 20 at 22€ each.

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But what you said is that there actually are price impacts. If only a combination price differs from the "basic" price, that's a price impact.

Setting "main" price to 0 is the best solution here in my opinion. Very simple and can be done with a short script launched after each import.

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Not exactly the same. It may be problematic for them to change it in their software, but it may be easy for you to do it in PrestaShop after the import. And it's a side script doing just one thing instead of you modifying X core files and causing potential issues.

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