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Restoring DELETED Tax Group in


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Hi, I have an issue where a tax group is deleted (tax group 1) and I would like to restore it, since product imports default to 1 on our import sheets. This then causes an error on the product when it is edited where the next tax is used (0%) when saved. If this is not noticed, then the customer will not pay VAT and it causes us problems!


So in the DB, ps_tax_rules_group, there is a column "deleted" which shows this group as "1". When I change it to "0" i can see and edit the group in the BO, but when I save, it goes back to it's deleted state with no changes saved.


Is there any other tables i should also edit to re-enable this group?



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2 hours ago, Nickz said:

make to person pay for damage who deleted that group. So it won't happen again.
Ask your hosting if they have a back up of before the act (of deleting).

It was me. It was deliberate at the time. And a back on help if I don’t know which tables need restored. 

in theory, setting deleted to 0’shoukd work. But when I do this, the tax rule only exists until I try to edit it (I.e. remove the EU countries to leave only UK. The deleted status returns in the table on save. 

so there must be a log somewhere that the BO checks and is deleting it again. 

for clarity, the tax group is not deleted in the database when you delete it. It simply adds a 1 to the deleted column. (And does something else too somewhere!) All the data is still there. 

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30 minutes ago, Nickz said:

Well next time don't do that. Set up a shop in localhost and test there first, get used to make back ups and such. :)

I thank you for your condescending remarks and politely ask that you keep them to yourself!


it was intentional at the time and I have plenty backups. I also have plenty text servers. Additionally, your comments offer nothing to the topic and are therefore completely pointless other than to make you feel good about yourself. 

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