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Stock amount product with combinations

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Hi, I have a question about stock amount for a product with combinations.

I have a 'mother' product with reference 1214 which has 2 daughters with reference 1214-1 and 1214-2

The stock amount for 1214-1 = 2 and for 1214-2 = 3

I have been told that the normal behaviour would be that the mother with reference 1214 should be in sync with the combinations-daughters, therefor stock of the mother product should be 2 + 3 = 5.

In our situation, the stock of the mother product is always '0'.

Normally this would not be a problem, but in category view it looks like the product combinations are not in stock (because the mother has 0 stock), while the combinations are in stock.

Does anybody know if there is a setting to make the mother product behave like this?

Or what is causing the mother to show 0 in stock?

I hope I made the issue clear, if not, please feel free to ask me.

Best regards, Ellen

Prestashop version 8.1.1



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Thank you, I checked some products and it looks like the new products - added after migration to 8.1.1 behave correctly. But the old products don't.

So, something must have gone wrong during migration, no clue if this can be resolved. I asked the developer.

If you have a solution, ;) That would be great! So, I can share it with them.

Cheers, Ellen

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Here is a complete script that will update everything in the database. You will then need to clear the cache.

Upload the file to the root of the eshop and run it in the address bar.

E.g.: https://my-shop.com/update-attributes-stock.php

update-attributes-stock.zipFetching info...


Sample code:


$db = Db::getInstance();
$sql = 'SELECT a.id_product FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available a WHERE a.id_product_attribute > 0 GROUP BY a.id_product';
$products = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( $sql );

if ($products) {
    foreach($products as $product) {
        $getAttributesQty = $db->getvalue('SELECT SUM(a.quantity) as qty FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available a WHERE a.id_product = '.$product['id_product'].' AND a.id_product_attribute > 0');
        $getAttributesPhysicalQty = $db->getvalue('SELECT SUM(a.physical_quantity) as qty FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available a WHERE a.id_product = '.$product['id_product'].' AND a.id_product_attribute > 0');
        $db->update('stock_available', array('quantity' => $getAttributesQty, 'physical_quantity' => $getAttributesPhysicalQty), 'id_product = '.$product['id_product'].' AND id_product_attribute = 0');
        echo 'updated product: '.$product['id_product'].' | quantity: '.$getAttributesQty.' | physical quantity: '.$getAttributesPhysicalQty.'<br>';


Edited by ps8moduly.cz (see edit history)
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